Ok, time to get to the real intros! Hmmm, what should i say? oh! i shall tell you of my fav anime/manga!
1.Fullmetal Alchemist
4.Wolf's Rain
5.Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
6.Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
7.Angel Voice
8.Oban-Star Racer
10.Shinobi Life
12.Sailor Moon
13.Fruits Basket
16.Blue Ramun

now fav songs!!
1.Wind, idk-but it's on naruto shippuden
2.Brothers, Vic Mignogna
3Hands Held High, Linkin Park
4.Your Guardian Angel, the red jumpsuit apparatus
5.Bleed it Out, Linkin Park
6 alot of songs by 30 Seconds to Mars

now for personality: i can be really quiet and shy in person, and it takes a while for me to get out of my shell, but on the net i'm just a ball of energy that can't be stopped!!XD I do have the tendency to cuss when i'm really mad or happy or just in general, and if you make me angry, get ready to put me on your ignore list, because i will annoy you till the end of time! i hate it when people make fun of the people i love, but i could care less if they made fun of me. hmmm, i think that rapes it up, if you want to know more about me, just pm me, i don't bite!


yeah, sorry i haven't posted anything in a while or posted art. T.T I've just been in a stump with my emotions lately. >~< thats all i'm really gonna say..

I am a freaky prep with a hot boyfriend who ran shirtless with a pickle because the lil people told

you have to do this! XD XD XD
First, make your title " i am a " and then do the questions and tag 15 people when ur done

What color/kind of socks are you wearing?
[] Red = loud
[] Green = stupid
[x] None = freaky
[] Fuzzy = gorgeous
[] Yellow = innocent
[] Purple = a little too happy
[] Black = emo
[] Stripes = funny
[] Gray = skanky
[] Pink = preppy
[] Light blue = sweaty
[] Other = hot
[] White = sexy

What kind of pants are you wearing?
[]Shorts = cutie
[]Skirt/skort = skank
[]Corduroy = faggot homosexual
[]Tight jeans = scene kid
[]Ripped jeans = emo
[]Cammo = cage fighter
[x]Jeans = prep
[]Pajamas = pimp
[]Cargo = clown
[]Sweats = athlete
[]Boxers = brat
[]Booty shorts = female
[]Capris = Gangster
[]Nothing = hoe
[]Dickies = weirdo
[]Bikini bottoms = tiki girl
[]Other = sex addict

What is your natural hair color?
[]Auburn = that every one wants to make out with
[]Blonde = with a broken heart
[]Black = with a sexy smile
[x]Dark brown = with a hot boyfriend/girlfriend
[]Red = that likes to have fun
[]Brown = who loves to be different
[]Dirty blonde= with sexy eyes
[]Bald = with herpes
[]Other = with a nice ass

Pick the month you were born on:
[] 1= who ate
[]2 = who needed
[]3 = who killed
[]4 = who shot
[]5 = who killed
[]6 = who smoked with
[]7 = who banged
[x]8 = who ran shirtless with
[]9 = who got stabbed horribly by
[]10 = who cuddled with
[]11 = who slept with
[]12 = who ran naked with

Pick the day you were born on:
[]01 = the kool-aid man
[]02 = a dog
[]03 = a shoe
[]04 = a toothbrush
[]05 = Santa Claus
[]06 = your dealer
[]07 = Barny the dinosaur
[]08 = a prostitute
[]09 = a porn star
[]10 = a bag of weed
[]11 = a lover
[]12 = a glass of milk
[]13 = a horse
[]14 = a lesbian
[]15 = a stripper
[x]16 = a pickle
[]17 = a jew
[]18 = a homo
[]19 = an orange
[]20 = a dildo
[]21 = a homeless guy
[]22 = a whore
[]23 = my crush
[]24 = an easter egg
[]25 = a jar of honey
[]26 = a condom
[]27 = a bowl of cereal
[]28 = a french fry
[]29 = The Tojan man
[] 30 = Paris Hilton
[]31 = your grandma

Pick the color of the shirt you are wearing
[] White = because I love marijuana
[]Black = because im sexy as hell
[x]Pink = Because the lil people told me to
[]Blue = because I have AMAZING boobs
[]Red = because I'm a pimp and your jealous
[]Polka Dots = because I hate my life
[]Purple = because I'm gay
[]Gray = because I got dared
[]Other = because that's how I roll
[]Green = because I'm good in bed
[]Orange = because I smoke crack
[]Turquoise = because I have a noodle in my nose
[]Brown = because I had to
[]Shirtless = because I've got abs

WIFI pokemon battle?? :33

wifi battle me please!!! also need to tell me how to do the wifi thing cause i don't really know how.


[X] you own at least 5 black shirts
[] you like skinny jeans
[] you’re listening to music right now
[X] you have painted your fingernails black before
[X] You have more than 300 songs on your ipod/ mp3/ itunes
[X] Like the color black
[] dislike most girly girls
[] have dyed your hair dark or want to
[] sometimes like to be alone
[] hate popular music
[X] keep hair in front of your face
[X] have given people evil stares
[] don't get along with parents
[] Life sucks for you
[] have been called emo
[] Dislike the colors pink, teal and baby blue
[X] Complain a lot
[] owned a studded belt or want one
[X] listen to rock, metal, screamo music.
Total: 8
Part Two:
[] own more than 10 mini shorts
[] have kissed more than 2 people in one night
[] have been called a slut
[] sometimes likes to drink
[] ever wore low cut shirts
[] have been called a teasee
[] Flirt with every guy!
[] love the opposite sexx
[] always going/having to parties/ sleepovers
[] own 5 tube tops
[] you kiss because you think its fun
Total: 0
Part Three:
[] Own at least 5 jerseys
[] Have 10 or more trophies
[] Wear hair in ponytail like everyday
[X] Love sports
[] Own 5 or more sweatpants
[X] Don't wear makeup
[] Have / had played lacrosse
[X] Play more than 2 sports
[X] Can play a sport if you’ve never played it before
[X] You play/ played Basketball on a team
[X] You play/ played baseball- softball on a team
[] You play/ played soccer on a team
[] You play/ played volleyball on a team
[] You run/ ran track
[] You play/ played football on a team
[] Been called a jock
[] Have set a record
[] Are friends with your coach
[X] Love watching sports
[] can do 15 push ups without getting tired
Total: 7
Part Four:
[] wear your pants at your waist
[] have/had braces/or getting
[] in advanced classes
[] On Math team
[X] Have all A’s
[] Like spending time with your parent(s)
[] have been called a nerd
[] are *annoyed* or bullied
[] LOVE to learn
[X] Like(MOST) your teachers
[X] Watch history channel
[X] never go anywhere on the weekends
[X] Have been called weird
[X] scared to talk to the opposite sex
[X] Don't have pics of yourself on facebook
[X] read a book a month
[X] You read on your last spring break
[] Have your own website
[] wear pocket protectors
Total: 8
Part Five:
[] you own mostly aeropostale
[] you like to shop at Forever 21
[] charlotte rousse
[] wet seal/ delia*s
[] you do/ have cheerleaded
[X] you like rap/ hip hop music
[] you like to go to parties
[] you enjoy yourself no matter what
[X] you like the colors pink, yellow, green
[] for the most part, you're organized
Total: 2
If you haven’t noticed the parts represent the 5 high school BIG stereotypes
Multiply each number by 5 then repost as “_% stereotype

EMO: 45%

SLUT: 0%

JOCK: 35%

NERD: 45%

PREP: 10%

a little boy trouble, lol.

im kind of in a fix here, i have i guy friend and i think he likes me and i kinda like him. Everybody either teases us by pointing at us and makes a little heart in the air or say we should go out. this one girl at school kept on pressing the subject of asking me if i liked him, of course i got a little agitated but i didn't show it. The real prob is that my best friend likes him and i don't want to hurt her so i keep saying he should go out with her but he says nothing then changes the subject.
I think he likes me because he keeps poking me during class, and sometime he'll get me in the side and i'll squeal(he says it sounds like a small dog barking XD) i keep wanting to get his phone number so i can text him but my other friend(the one that doesn't like my guy friend) teases me and says stuff like the rest of my peers. >-< i think i'm going to ask during lunch and get my other friends at the same time.