Welcome to my House of Ghosts. This is my world in my mind, it is a place where I hold my thoughts and the thoughts of my friends and family. A place to look at myself in the mirror if you will. My life is full of wonders and hardships. A lot of both I bring on myself so it's not like I'm complaining. I am a very complex person who contradicts himself at every turn, makes life interesting that way.

-----------------------------------My Tumblr----------------------------------
It's there if you want, but I only have like 3 posts on it.

When someone become a friend, no matter how far away you get, when you come back together, it's as if you never left ^_^

Name: Steven Desmond Reigns

Height: 5' 10"(70in)

Weight: 195lbs(88.6kg)

Age: 24

DOB: 9/21/1987

City: Los Angeles, California

Country: United States of America

Occupation: Private Security

Previous Occupation: US Army

Siblings: half brother Kang and half sister Lucy

Children: 6yr old adopted daughter Mei

Previous usernames: The Preventer(09'), Agent 49(06')

Hobbies: martial-arts, anime, video games, exercising, playing chess, swimming, and outdoor survival

Beloved anime: gungrave, ruroni kenshin, gundam 00, chrono crusade, code geass, read or die, bleach, naruto, and many more ^_^

Beloved video games: final fantasy series, tom clancy games, fable games, star ocean series, call of duty and battlefield games, tales of series, chrono trigger, lunar series, alundra, and many more ^_^

Beloved TV series: x play, south park, family guy, the simpsons, american dad, married with children, dan vs, young justice, the boondocks, king of the hill, the avengers: earth's mightiest heroes, spongebob squarepants, and many more ^_^

Beloved manga: love hina and star ocean

Favorite movies: action, comedy, drama, suspense

Favorite actors: Bruce Lee, Steven Seagal, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, Al Pacino, Bruce Willis, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Jason Statham Tony Jaa and more ^_^

Favorite music: west coast rap, alternative rock, punk rock, hard rock,and metal

Favorite artists: Bishop Lamont, West Side Connection, Mac 10, Ice Cube, Rammstein, Blink 182, Of monsters and men, Bury your dead, The Used, DMX, Filter, Smashing Pumpkins, Kill Switch Engage and many more ^_^

Martial arts: all black belts
Kali(Philippines special forces) 17 years
Aikido(Japanese origin) 14 years
SOC-P or Special Operations Combat-Program(united states special forces) 7 years
Krav Maga(Israeli special forces) 6 years


Now I have secured this world's take over mwahahahahahahha!!!!!
so yeah you guys looking for papabear, well too bad he's gonna be gone til november leaving his world unprotected from my dominance!! bwahahahaha!!!! *plunges a flag into the world* I claim this world in the name of PUDDING!!!!!! but yeah he wont be on til then and yeah i took over hahahaha thats all my prettys~ *throws sea monkeys onto all that reads this* fly my prettys fly!!!!!

20 Questions Game ^o^

Real simple you ask me something, I answer it. One rule: it cannot be very personal, Address, phone number, etc, and nothing that breaks my security clearance, anything else period is fine. I have nothing I'm ashamed to admit, so ask away. But remember, you choose to read the answers on this post, I'll put the most sensitive answers in spoiler text, but if you see something you didn't want to honestly know, its your fault for not heeding this warning. Ohh and I would appreciate it if you didn't judge me, the questions asked regardless of their nature will have a truthful answer, past or present is irrelevant, maybe I changed since the events that have taken place.


why do you let me call you papabear?- as long as you acknowledge me in general, instead of just saying hi, I don't care what you call me ^_^.


Am I really worth everything you have done for me?? All the adjustments you have made for me...even things you may have sacrificed...am I truly worth it?- I grew up without a real family, thanks to you and everyone else sis, I kinda know what it feels like to have one, so yes, yes it was ^_^.

Why is number 49 your fave number?- My very first army callsign was Agent49, I never had a number with any significance before that, then shortly after I joined SFOD-D, I was renamed The Preventer. Then when I joined the PMC I became Spectre who I am now ^_^.

Whats your fave fruit?- I love lemons and oranges in that order, that way I get this super bitter sour taste ^_^.

How old were you when you first was kissed and who was out with?- My very first gf Heather Greensfield, and 9 years old.

First car you ever had?- Toyota Celica

They say a persons colour scheme that they wear reflects there inner personality...aside from being a sociopath how would you festive your self in personality?- hmm well, I'm really a nice person when I'm not working coz I don't have the same strict mentality, all of my ex girlfriends always said the terrorists wouldn't be afraid of me if they knew what a sweetheart I was -_-".

How would you describe my personality??((truthful as you can please...good bids and bits included))- full of life and energy, passionate and funny. Hothead at times and stubborn. very sweet and caring all these things make up who you are ^_^.

Are you scared of hurting me in some way?- I'm afraid of hurting everyone I get close to.

Whats your biggest fear?- syringed needles is the only real fear I have left.

Whats your biggest weakness ((aside from Mei xx))- I always have to be the hero, even if I have to give up everything to do it -_-".

How old was you when you first got laid?- about 14 1/2

have you ever measured it?? how big?? XD- around 7 1/2 to 8 1/2 inchs, I never measured it myself but I did find out it's a little longer than my hand and my hand is about 7 inchs ^_^.

whats your favourite car of all time?- My Aston Martin DB9 of course, that's why bought it lol.

Do you judge how fast your going by Mph in America or some other method?-we use miles per hour in the US, but my speedometer lets me switch between miles and kilometers per hour ^_^.

Whats inscribed on your dog tags?- Last Name: Reigns
First and M Intial: Steven D.
Social Security Number: 401-33-****
Blood Type: O positive
Religious Preference: None

How old are your dogs?- Dieter is 11, Xavier is 9 1/2, and frank is about 2 1/2 ^_^.

Why the names that they have? I understand Frank... from the awesome Men in Black Pug lmao... but why the other two names? Dieter is a german shepherd, dieter is a german name XD. Xavier I adopted from an animal shelter, but that was his name ^_^.

Whats your favourite feature on your face? ((And you can't say everything lmao XD No big heads now XDD))- my eyes

Do You wish you lived nearer?- I love Los Angeles, I really do ^_^.

Would you kill to protect me?- that goes without question ^_^. I prefer to negotiate, but that doesn't always work ^_^.

Cause I am a soppy git and love fluff and stuff, How would you describe love in your eyes?- Irrational, overwhelming, clouds judgement, but still wonderful all the same.

How would you describe anger?- getting angry is a malice fueled hatred of someone to me. mad and angry are not the same thing.

Write me the beginnings of a story.... Once upon a time, there was an ulgy barnacle. He was so ugly everyone died, the end. I even made you an ending at no extra charge -3-.

what do you prefer the sand or the sea?- by sea I assume you mean living on a boat, and the answer would be sand, thats why I have a beach house XD.

Why is a Black Panther your idea house pet?- this answer envelops 2 questions you asked, a black panther is like me in every way a stalker of prey, quick to strike, always goes for the vital areas. If you raise one from birth they can be as loyal as a puppy also ^_^.

What animal do I remind you of?- A hippopotamus(no that's not a weight joke) a hippo will chase down and kill anyone that tries to hurt its family, even after said threat runs away ^_^.

match an Animal up to the rest of the close family in our circle hehe kiki ((It needs to be accurate hehe))- African wild dogs xd, if someone pisses one off, the other members go straight for the jugular XD.

What animal do you associate yourself with... ((Play along... no I don't believe in this crap bull shit lmao XD tongue))- Black panther XD, same reasons as for having it as a house pet ^_^.

What's your fave tattoo? x x- My black Dragon has a significant meaning to me, it's designed from an ancient story about a nightmare that would come at night and take the souls of evil-hearted men ^_^.

In the past have you customized your house number to something of significance to you? or even your registration number? XD- nope ^_^.

and Do you like your id badge photo... or does it make you look like a criminal lmfao XD tongue- the answer is both XD.


Annie Squiggle~

How many viewers is there on your world(s)?- I currently have 111 subscribers but anyone can see any of my worlds ^_^. the current total number of views for each world is= House of Ghosts[2,507], Fictitious Dream Dates[1.394], Zoology 101[533], Survive Everything[76], Favorite Characters List[65], and Blacksite: Planet Earth[103] ^_^.


o0o how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck pineapples?- Well a woodchuck normally chucks wood assuming this, the only reason it would be chucking pineapple is coz it has a sweet tooth in which case it wouldn't chuck wood since it's bland, or it has sensitive teeth so it cant chuck wood without hurting itself ^_^.

Sorry i have another question..... say you are put into the hunger games with23 other special forces peoples. How do you plan to win and how do you take out your first and last victim?- Sis this isn't one I can actually answer, but there are two way it will end anyone who isnt SFOD-D, DEV/GRV, 24th STS, or SAD, isn't gonna be a challenge, and when it comes to them the first one to find the other would win ^_^.

Zuzu Uchiha~

O_O if there was a zombie outbreak what would your weapon of choice be!??? O>O SIS MUST KNOW!!?- A knife and/or sword zombies need to be disarmed literally if necessary -w-, and there is no need to reload bladed weapons -3-.

O_O I HAVE ANOTHER QUESTION! O_O Did you ever have a role model and i mean a movie star or some fighter out there who you admire? O_O- Steven Seagal, James Bond, Matt Damon as Jason Bourne, and Sam Fisher from the Splinter Cell franchise, I've always wanted to be this badass secret agent for the government. That's why I joined special forces to fulfill that dream lol.


What do you want for ur Birthday? AND YOU CANT SAY NUTHING! XD Well it's not like I would give it to you. just wondering XD- Actually sis you could ^_^, I don't like expensive gifts for my b-day, I can get them anyday of the week ^_^, I am rich after all XD. I prefer stuff made with care, poems, letters written
or typed by hand, etc ^_^. Stuff like that is what I want, anyone can buy you something, but it takes effort to make it ^_^.

What's ur fave food and drink? my favorite foods are usually mexican, italian, sicilian, and american southwest , but I also like anything thats hot ^_^.

What's ur fave color? my favorite colors are silver and white followed by black and any dark shade of blue ^_^.

Here comes a silly question! If u can date a girl from anime, who will u ask for? Tifa lockheart and Aeris gainsborough, I'm greedy and want both -w-

Ummm...mind to describe urself? (both personality and physically) owo did I spell that correctly? hmmm well I have 2 personalities 1 is extremely sweet, kind, understanding, then their is the other personality the one they fear. Thats the real me all my hatred and anger thats the side known as the angel of death in my nice form I repress everything that pisses me off, then my enemies get the severe wrath of that buildup backed by my special forces training and years of combat experience, physically Im white 5'10", 195lbs, I have 2 bullet wounds on diagonally placed above the other, not perfectly but still pretty close to each other. I have several cut marks and a few stab wounds, I have an SFOD-D insignia and an american flag on my right arm, I have a dragon in the middle of my back, my name SPECTRE across the back of my shoulder blades and my previous nickname below the E of spectre ^_^

I know we hasn't known each other for too long, but can u be honest and tell me what do you think about me? Dovankiin sis, your funny and sweet and you make me smile and laugh, I can't understand why people think you should "grow up" if you did you would change and I dont want a "mature" sister I want you the sister that makes me smile everytime I talk to you, the sister I can talk to and she'll see the good no matter how bad my intentions were, I dont want a different sis, I want you to be my sis ^_^


What is your favorite elemental force(s)?- I have two favorite elements Light/Lightning and Ice ^_^.

How many women have you been with at once: 3 at one time, has nothing to do with the story below

How many lovers have you had in a relationship at one time?- When I was still living in Louisville, I was in walgreens buying a soda, when I met a charming young woman in line waiting to pay her and the cashier was talking about how she wanted to go to germany before she started college. Well it turned out she just got off work and was waiting for her ride to get off work and take her home, well I offered to give her a ride, so I gave her a lift to her house. She invited me in and she was gorgeous more than just physically so there was no way I was saying no. I went in and we talk for a bit more and we started kissing, another girl comes in I just assume it's her roommate, but it wasn't that simple it was her girlfriend and she didn't think very highly of me at first, I felt really bad so I offered to take them both to dinner. Well after that they both fell for me and it didn't take long for me to fall for them either. We dated for almost a year in fact all the way up until just before I joined the army, which for them that was years they had been dating and they wanted to get married which you couldn't do where I lived at the time, so I payed for them to go to San Francisco. I see them all the time now I get those feelings back everytime I talk to now, they're both still very special to me.

Quiz taken from kira ^_^

1: Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? I never smoked to begin with XD.

2: Are you single/taken/heartbroken/confused? I go on 3-5 blind dates a week, you tell me.

3: What if I told you that you were pretty? I would say thank you

4: Ever been told “it’s not you, it’s me”? lol, all the time.

5: Are you interested in anyone right now? always

6: What are you looking forward to in the next week? not really

7: Do you want to be single? It doesn't make a difference to me

8: Did you go out or stay in last night? I don't go out much at night time

9: How late did you stay up last night? 12am maybe

10: Can you recall the last time you realized you liked someone a lot? I get really, reallllllly arrogant when I hit on someone I like, I dun bullshit I get straight to the point.

11: Last three things you had to drink? Dr.Pepper, Moutain Dew, Frappuccino

12: Have you pretended to like someone? yes, even had to sleep with them.

13: Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it? same as 12

14: Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months? pleaseeee someone has seen me in my underwear in the past 3 days XDDDD, pfft 3 months my ass

15: Is it hard for you to get over someone? Normaly no but..this time.<---same answer as kira ^_^

16: Think back five months ago, were you single? No

17: What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon? Watching cartoons<---- Same XDD

18: Hold hands with anyone this week? my daughter ^_^

19: Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? I already have a head start on it

20: What would you name your future daughter? doesn't matter really

21: Do you miss anyone? I miss a lot of people I lost ^_^

22: Have you kissed three or more people in one night? yes

23: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed? in ;D, PERVS!!!!! it was my daughter I kissed XDD, shame on you and your dirty minds -w-

24: Are you good at hiding your feelings? like you wouldn't believe

25: Have you ever cried from being so mad? no

26: Who did you last see in person? my daughter

27: Are you listening to music right now? yes

28: What is something you currently want right now? nothing I can think of

29: What is the last thing you said out loud? yeah, I do a lot of yelling at work, so lets skip this one lol

30: How is your heart lately? beating ._.

31: Do you wear the hood on your hoodie? I dont have a hoodie XD

32: Are you wearing socks? Yes black athletic starter brand socks

33: What do people call you? monster, demon, devil, infidel, bastard, baby killer, murder, assassin, coward, psychopath, sinner, the angel of death, the list goes on, these people have one thing in common they fear me, and they should, because they're right. Others call me hero, savior, boss, spectre, sir, lover, brother, friend, and my team and I throw racial slurs and insults at each other all the time coz we've fought all over the world in hell holes together for almost 7 years now. These people respect, love, admire, or care about me. All of these names mean nothing to me not even a little because at the end of the day only one person's opinion matters to me and her name for me is daddy.

34: Will you talk to the person you like tonight? probably not

35: Are there any stressful situations in your life? lol I'm a career soldier, My life is made up of them

36: Who did you last share a bed with? my daughter

37: Did you do something bad today? I do something bad everyday -w-

38: When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you? about 20 minutes ago before she fell asleep -w-

39: Do you get stressed out easily? I dont get stressed ^_^, I work through pain

40: Will you sing today? No

41: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t? yes a lot

42: Who do you go to when you need to talk to someone? if its bad someone close to me, besides that no one

43: Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance? I have been shot twice in combat, nearly tortured to death by Al-Qaeda, and stabbed a dozen times, Im on a first name basis with the staff lol

44: What are you listening to right now? Spieluhr by Rammmstein

45: What is wrong with you right now? more than you could possibly fathom

46: What is on your wrists right now? a special forces issued watch and a hand made bracelet that says daddy ^_^

47: Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re wearing? starter athletic t-shirt from walmart

48: What do you like better: hot chocolate or hot apple cider? Hot chocolate

49: Do you make wishes at 11:11? No I dont believe in wishing, I was special forces, I make it work

50: Are you a good artist? that depends on what you consider art

51: Love really is a beautiful thing huh? sure why not

52: Do you miss the way things were six months ago? I haven't really changed

53: Ever been on a golf cart? No

54: Do you have trust issues? Oh no XDD, you'll know if I dont trust you

55: Ever stayed up all night on the phone, with who? I barely answer the hone to begin with XD

56: Do you own something from Hot Topic? a few shirts

57: Do you use chap stick? No

58: Have you ever slapped someone in the face? I've done a hell of a lot worse than that lmao

59: Do you have a little sister? two a step sister which I love and a bio sister who can burn in hell

60: Have you ever been to New York? yes

61: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it? of course it was my baby girl ^_^

62: Have you hugged someone within the last week? My daughter

63: What were you doing at midnight last night? about to go to bed

64: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? Yes

65: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? Yeah there is, even when she makes a mess ^_^

66: Were your last three kisses from the same person? yes

67: Have you kissed anyone in the last five days? yes

68: Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? It makes no difference

69: Will next Friday be a good one? dont care to be honest XDDD

Spectre's learning Ninjutsu now ^_^

Yus, I have a private tutor from japan that is teaching me, in return I pay for airfare to and from, and I give a bank of his choice $200,000 for a down payment on a dojo for him ^_^, he is an actual master from a ninja villa, that wants to start a dojo chain in japan ^_^

and in return over the next 5 years after he opens he will give me my down payment back in small amounts ^_^, so its costing me nothing in the long run but a plane ticket ^_^. I tried to take ninjutsu in the army but kept getting deployed. Then a little over a month ago I was talking with baka red about it, but I would have had to leave the site for 3-5 months to go to a village -_-".

So we made a deal, he can leave with me and train me and my daughter if she wants in ninjutsu, as he learned it. my training will be different from traditional American training, I'll have to learn to fight in the dark blind folded and blinded and deafened. Naturally it will take me far longer to master this way, but it will be worth it in the end, at least I think so ^_^.

Papabear- My rp character

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My rp character is known as Papabear which as the name states is a big ass bear XD.

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My character is a giant red bear with a single horn growing from his forehead. He is actually Alice's pet(tea rp character), who she has kept for years. He believes Alice to be his mother and protects her fervently. He is 600 pounds of intimidation and solid muscle to her enemies, but just a really heavy teddy bear to Alice herself. He can carry Alice and another person on his back and still not have any trouble getting around.

External Image

Papabear is a bear with the intelligence of a bear, he can't talk and he doesn't use magic or anything, He has his huge weight, powerful claws, teeth and his horn to impale opponents with, Papabear can also run up to 30 miles per hour for 200 meters(650 feet). One last thing calling me papabear out of the rp is not something I'll appreciate, I asked tea before using the name coz she gave it to me long before I made this character.