Welcome to my House of Ghosts. This is my world in my mind, it is a place where I hold my thoughts and the thoughts of my friends and family. A place to look at myself in the mirror if you will. My life is full of wonders and hardships. A lot of both I bring on myself so it's not like I'm complaining. I am a very complex person who contradicts himself at every turn, makes life interesting that way.

-----------------------------------My Tumblr----------------------------------
It's there if you want, but I only have like 3 posts on it.

When someone become a friend, no matter how far away you get, when you come back together, it's as if you never left ^_^

Name: Steven Desmond Reigns

Height: 5' 10"(70in)

Weight: 195lbs(88.6kg)

Age: 24

DOB: 9/21/1987

City: Los Angeles, California

Country: United States of America

Occupation: Private Security

Previous Occupation: US Army

Siblings: half brother Kang and half sister Lucy

Children: 6yr old adopted daughter Mei

Previous usernames: The Preventer(09'), Agent 49(06')

Hobbies: martial-arts, anime, video games, exercising, playing chess, swimming, and outdoor survival

Beloved anime: gungrave, ruroni kenshin, gundam 00, chrono crusade, code geass, read or die, bleach, naruto, and many more ^_^

Beloved video games: final fantasy series, tom clancy games, fable games, star ocean series, call of duty and battlefield games, tales of series, chrono trigger, lunar series, alundra, and many more ^_^

Beloved TV series: x play, south park, family guy, the simpsons, american dad, married with children, dan vs, young justice, the boondocks, king of the hill, the avengers: earth's mightiest heroes, spongebob squarepants, and many more ^_^

Beloved manga: love hina and star ocean

Favorite movies: action, comedy, drama, suspense

Favorite actors: Bruce Lee, Steven Seagal, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, Al Pacino, Bruce Willis, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Jason Statham Tony Jaa and more ^_^

Favorite music: west coast rap, alternative rock, punk rock, hard rock,and metal

Favorite artists: Bishop Lamont, West Side Connection, Mac 10, Ice Cube, Rammstein, Blink 182, Of monsters and men, Bury your dead, The Used, DMX, Filter, Smashing Pumpkins, Kill Switch Engage and many more ^_^

Martial arts: all black belts
Kali(Philippines special forces) 17 years
Aikido(Japanese origin) 14 years
SOC-P or Special Operations Combat-Program(united states special forces) 7 years
Krav Maga(Israeli special forces) 6 years

Far Cry Survival Diary- Entry #5

Day 4

I was driving down a dirt road and seen some deer keep passing in front of my vehicle. So I got pissed and chased them down. I swerved through the jungle weaving in and out of trees until I hit every last one of them then got out and skinned them lol.

Far Cry Survival Diary- Entry #4

Day 3

I spent the first 3 game days avoiding rivers like the plague. I did not want to get eaten by a crocodile. I was climbing a radio tower to expand my map and used the zipline to get down....the zipline ended in the middle of a river -_-"
My friend Issac was like jesus christ, there aren't any crocs in the water now swim, I did and when I came a shore I started walking to the left to go to the road. There was a croc 10 feet from where I came ashore -_-"

Far Cry Survival Diary- Entry #3

Day 2

I was wandering around picking fights with pirates when I came onto the beach. I seen the saddest thing ever there a pirate killed by a Cassowary, an emu-like bird killed a guy with an AK-47. But after that I killed two sharks on the same beach. Unfortunately it wasn't the fight I was hoping for. The game glitched and both the sharks were beached, they couldn't move. Sooooo yeah that's my epic shark fight story, I killed two sharks that couldn't even fight back lol.

Far Cry Survival Diary- Entry #2

Day 2

After I got my STG-90, I stumbled across my very first hostage situation. Pirates were hassling some tourists, so I decided to help them out. I snuck up on the pirates completely unnoticed. I shoot about 4-5 rounds to make sure the pirate went down......unfortunately all 5 were at the head. They killed the pirate....then the person the pirate was shaking down right in front of him -_-" EPIC FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Far Cry Survival Dairy-Entry #1

Day 1

First day of survival right after the tutorial missions. I drove past an abandoned village full of pirates who were shooting at me. A few feet up the road I decide to go back and kill them. I get to the village and sneak up but no one is there. I have my first encounter with a komodo dragon which I shoot, then 5 more komodo dragons and all the pirates come out of the wood work. Long story short I'm ducking in a chicken coup fighting off komodo dragons and pirates with the machete coz I used up all my ammo -_-"
I finally take care of the dragons which lets me get the ammo from the dead pirates, so I can deal with the rest of them. I officially hate komodo dragons on far cry now lol.