
This week my parents are not in town because they have desided they needewd a holiday so them and 2 of there friends are going on a holiday for the week
so me and my 2 older brothers are at home being whatched over by our nan.
WE are up to day 3 and I have cooked twice (plus I had to organise what we where haveing every night, and who was cooking it, but that was with the help of my brothers), I have filled and emptyed the dish washer I have done 1 load of laundary and put it out plus pringing in another load, and I have made cupcakes.
MY brother has complained because he says that he thinks that I think that I"m doing all the work in the last 3 days he has done the following:
make pizza bases
cleaned the frige
maybe put 1 or 2 things in the dish washer
folded the washing
emptyed the dish washer once maybe twice
and thats it, besides because I'm boss (I'm so happy to because I'm the youngest) he's upset at me because Marc (the eldest) hasn't done anything!!!!!
the only thing Marc has done is cook tea once put the ocasional dish in th dish washer. Did a half arse job takeing off the pool cover with me (he just put it on the pole and didn't help role it up with me,REminder the thing is really heavey!!!!!!)
he allso sucked up to me because I'm the person who will let him have some soft drink!
Anyway I'm upset with David (second oldest) because he told me that he wouldn't clean any thing I used for my cupcakes, which is fair enough.
but when he goes and makes a mess with his pizza bases (which he did clean most of it up) I still had to clean the rest up!
but that is whats pissing me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
