hello people. I'm Sara my best friend made me this login other wise it would have been something wireder. My hobby's are drawing and anoying people, my farvorite colour is purple . I'm good at drawing, drama, math and story writing. I like to sleep and my favorite sport is swimming even though I'm not very good. I all ways woundered why people did this and I guess it is to past time.

step up week

we have a week at school when we do the work or get ready for the work we have to do this year. Well I'm doing it and it's really boring theres no point coming to school, other than I have to

My favorite list

my favorite animie
Midori Days
Happy lesson
love hina


How cool is that show I love it so do both of my brothers I think it was the first thing all 3 of us agree on. I love Edd and winry (I think I spelt it right?) I like the episode where they don't show edd in it. Guess what there's a new season coming out

My love list

I love....
Happy lesson
loved ones

Red V.S Blue

has anyone seen red vs blue it's so funny I have 2 favorite characters. Cabose is one and church, I like cabose because well he's just plain wired. I like church because he makes the plains and it doesn't work and he keeps dieing.