Commissioned Portraits

Did I told you guys before that I also do commisioned artworks, especially portraits ever since highschool! From the very first time I did a paid artwork until today, I guess I have created hundreds of artworks now owned by different people (& I don't have any idea where to find them so I can take photos of my treasured artworks).

Last month I did these two photos...

Somebody out there who are professionals, I'm asking for tutorials PLEASE!
I know, I still lack some technics! (^_^?

I'm still obliged to finish 4 more couple portraits, UNTIL Dec. 10!

AaaAaAaAah! I need miracle! Dec. 10 as deadline is absolutely not enough for me to finish these stuffs! How can I budget the time of a poor artist who is also regularly working as accounting assistant & doing mountain of laundries at home? WaaaaAaAaH! I badly need a rain of Miracle! I wish Card Captor Sakura lend me her Time Clow Card & let me extend a month! (^_^?
Wish me luck guys! (!_!?
