Book 1:A different but near to the real

Once upon a time there was a shinigami named Kuchiki Rukia who met a "mortal" boy named Kurosaki Ichigo. She was surprised when she knew that Ichigo can see her. They eventually became friends. Still surprised at the fact Ichigo can see her, she asked him. "Are you normal?" she asked. Ichigo surprised replied "What are you talking about!?!?" He was totally shock of what Rukia asked. "Because you see you can see shinigamis and shinigamis can only be seen by special persons." Rukia defensively continued after seeing Ichigo suspicious look. "Look Rukia, you may be my friend but don't insult me!!" Ichigo said. Rukia knew Ichigo was hurt. Right after he said those words he ran away. "ICHIGO!! ICHIGO!!"
Rukia called. Suddenly she felt a strange reiatsu coming her way. "Oh no!! Ichigo is in danger!!!" she said worriedly. Just then she heard a loud yell screaming for help. "AAGHHH!! RUKIA HELP!!! BASTARD MONSTER!! LET GO!!! HELP!!" the voice cried. "ICHIGO!!!!!" Rukia called then she transformed into her shinigami form. "I'll let you go!!" Rukia said as she cut the hollow's arm. The hollow swung out and hit Rukia. "Rukia!!! Are you alright??" Ichigo said. "I-i-i can't fight this hollow. Th-th-this hollow is strong!"Rukia muttered. "How can I help!!" Ichigo confusely said. "Th-thrust this sword to yourself." Rukia replied. "WHAT!!"Ichigo said surprisingly. "IT'S THE LAST STRAW!! THIS IS THE LAST SOLUTION I'VE THOUGHT OF!! IF YOU DON'T TAKE THIS WE WILL DIE!! I THINK THE HOLLOW'S NOT AFTER ME!! IT'S AFTER YOU!!" Rukia explained. This made Ichigo a little bit frightened but he wouldn't let Rukia and himself die. "GIVE IT TO ME!! FAST!!" he said in a most determined voice that shocked Rukia. "Here,ready?? Here it goes!!" Rukia exclaimed. Then a strong reiatsu was felt. Suddenly and very fast Rukia saw Ichigo swing the sword and killed the hollow. She was indeed very shocked. "I-i-i guess I'd better ask you again this. A-are you n-normal??" Rukia muttered. "Shut up. A while ago, yes i was normal but have changed the truth dumb ass. You should had thought of a better idea." Ichigo replied solemnly. After he said these he walked away. "ICHIGO!! LISTEN HOW DO YOU SUPPOSE TO COME BACK TO YOUR MORTAL "FORM"??" Rukia called.
