The beginning of an Endless Process

Let the games begin, I say.

My Queen, feel free to post whatever randomness pops into your mind. I shall try to find time to do the same! You know my schedule... GAH.

So let's start with a bit of a khaos.

-Love the group. Al better get on the pony and ride... I'll add Chee here if you wish.
-Oh, I wasn't sure which one of us was Khaos and which one was Havok, maybe Al can figure that one out... Not even sure what we'd label Chee as either... OR AL! Muahahaw.
-I hope to get on here more often. Put it onthe fav-bar so that I'd see it and go "Oh yea! Gotta check in eventually..."
-Charm bracelet thing is going to rawk, just saying.
-I laugh at your Dyslexia hehehee!
-I'm at that point where I can't quite see straight so I MAY log off soon. I'll miss you too much though because I haven't seen you in forever.
-Nice job on the Walter post. I sadly keep turning back to it @_@ Jerk! xoxo

K, so.. that's it for now?

Hur hur.

