
Sorry about the randomness that's going to follow below, but I just found out that I'm shorter than Ed (including boots and attena). I'm just bored.

Me: Ed, how tall are you?

Ed: 165 cms (aka 5'5").

Me: WHAT?! *cries*

Ed: What's your problem? *confused*

Me: I'm only 5'2"~! I can't call you short anymore!

Ed: :D Hot damn~! Now I can call you short!!

Al: Actually, he's only 157 cms (5'2").

Me: *surprised* HA! You can't call me short!! *laughs at Ed*

Al: You can't call him short either, though.

*all are silent*

Ed & Me: *go to emo corner*

Sorry about the lame moment there but that's how it kind of played out in my mind. It's true that either way, I'm shorter than he is! Dang it! And to make up for the horrible moment there: here's something funnier!
