FWIT: Elements Within Part 2: Wind

Chapter 2: Wind Typhoon

In a blast of wind, a blue blur sped past trees and bushes. They swayed as the hind tail of the wind followed.

The blue blur came to a stop at a giant white mansion. Sonic stopped at the front door. He walked in.

"Welcome back, Master Sonic," said the butler named Tanaka. "Master Chris is still at school."

"Thanks,Tanaka," Sonic replied.

"Oh, Master Sonic, you have a visitor waiting for you in the living room," Tanaka said, indicating towards the room to their left.

A visitor? If it's another press interview, I'm bookin' on out of here, Sonic thought. He walked into the room to see only a lone girl staring out the window. She wore a blue school uniform and had her brown hair in a blue ribbon.

The girl turned to him. Her green eyes sparkled.

Sonic recognized her as the girl he saved two days ago. "Hey!" Sonic said.

"Hi, Sonic the hedgehog," the girl replied. "It was hard trying to find where you stayed."

"So what'cha here for?" Sonic asked, leaning on the couch across from the girl.

"I've come here looking for you," she said. "My name is Kara Minka."

Sonic half grinned. "You're here for an autograph or something?"

Kara laughed and shook her head. "Of course that's what a celebrity would think!" she said humorously. "No, no! I'm here to tell you something! More like ask you for your assistance."

"You're someone from the Pentagon?" Sonic asked. Why would they send a kid to ask me for assistance?

"The Pentagon? No," Kara replied, her laughter gone. "I'm not part of any military, let alone American military. I'm just an average human with a really big mission."

"Oh? Why didn't you say so?" Sonic said. He flung himself over the arm of the couch he was leaning on. "So what is this 'mission'?"

"The mission is simple: Stop this boy named Zeke from destroying the world," Kara answered.

"All to simple!" Sonic exclaimed. He crossed his legs, rested his arms behind his head and closed his eyes. "Not interested."

"Even if this means the death of everyone you hold dear?" Kara asked.

Sonic tensed. He opened one eye to peek at the girl's expression. Kara was dead serious. Sonic could see it on her face.

"What do I have to do?" Sonic asked.

Kara was still grim. "First I have to explain what you are. You're the Element of Wind."

"Element of Wind?" Sonic interrupted. His voice was caught between disbelief and wonder.

"The Element of Wind is someone who is able to control wind. He or she is apart of three other Elements– fire, ice, and thunder– that battle against the darker elements other know as Moon Elements. They are darker versions of the Sun Elements– you and me for example," she explained.

"Uh-huh," Sonic nodded. "How am I the Element of Wind? Which Element are you?"

"I am the Element of Fire," Kara said pointing to herself. "The Element of Wind has a tattoo of a half circle with white lines crossing through it, I believe."

Sonic's eyes widened in amazement. He had the exact tattoo imprinted on his left wrist after coming to this world. Sonic had told no one– not even his good friend Criss. "How'd you know that I had that tattoo?" he asked.

"It is said that the Element of Wind would have that tattoo," the girl explained. "I too have a tattoo but mine is of a flame."

She turned and started rummaging through a bag that Sonic noticed for the first time. She pulled out two items. Kara tossed them to the hedgehog.

Sonic saw that one was a white left handed glove with a diamond embedded in the cuff encircled with a intricate design of gray stitching. The second was a small round ball that had gray stars and a symbol like Sonic's tattoo
etched all over it.

"You mentioned the enemy being a boy. Can you tell me anything else?" Sonic asked bringing the subject from what he was to their enemy.

"Of course! No point in fighting an enemy that you know nothing about!" Kara cried. "The enemy is a boy named Zeke. Zeke is a shaman– a person who can speak with the afterlife– who is hell bent on becoming Shaman King through a tournament called the Shaman Fight. Zeke believes that ordinary humans don't belong in this world so he plans on becoming the Shaman King to destroy all non-shaman people."

"Shamans, huh?" Sonic said thoughtfully.

"So do you accept your destiny?" Kara asked.

"Am I the only one who can do this? Control the wind?" Sonic asked, putting on the left handed glove.

Kara nodded. "Remember you're not alone in the fight. I'm going to fight and there are two others that still might join us– the Ice Element and Thunder Element."

"Sure," Sonic said. "Why should you be the only one trying to save the world? This is– after all– to save every human with no shamanic abilities."

Sonic's little ball made a crack and glowed in a bright light. The next thing he saw was a little white fox with little feathered wings and midnight black eyes.

"What's that?" Sonic asked pointing to the little animal.

"That would be a Spirare, a spirit with an animal form. It can preform things that a spirit and physical body can do. This Wind Spirare is your partner," Kara explained.

Sonic picked up the white Spirare. It cocked it's head to one side and closed its eyes. "Heh, reminds me of Cream's little budy," Sonic commented. "You'll be named Kaze."

A little animal jumped out of Kara's bag. It was about the size of Kaze. It looked like a dog with red with yellow front legs and big rabbit ears.

"This is Hikaru, my Fire Spirare," Kara introduced Sonic to Hikaru.

There was light chat for several minutes but was suddenly cut off by a crash through the window. Kara had jumped behind the couch arm to escape the raining glass. Sonic quickly jumped behind his couch arm as well.

"Heh heh heh," a dark voice cackled. "Fire hides."

"Now, Shruic, is that how we treat how little ametures?" a second voice said. It was more cheerful and light than the other.

"Zeke," Kara growled as she stood up.

Sonic peeked at the intruders. One was a boy a little taller than Kara with long dark hair and black eyes. The other was a dark hedgehog with red cat like eyes and wore black shoes.

"Zeke," Kara growled again. "What do you want?"

"I wanted to see how you were doing," Zeke said in a carefree voice. "I also wanted to test out my new friend on your new friend, the Wind Element Sonic the hedgehog."

Chapter 2! It's longer! In the next chapter the dark hedgehog speaks in the thrid person.