FWIT: Elements Within Part 1: Fire

Chapter 2: The Fire Within

Kara was bitter the next morning but quickly got over it when she got to school.

Most of her classmates noticed this and asked what was wrong. "I didn't get my homework done. I got kind of sidetracked," she would answer. It was true, but Kara would rather not have people know about the incident from last night.

At Kara's class after lunch was going to be bad, she could already tell. Lorry was in that class and she was going to get beat on with bad comebacks and a shrieking voice.

Kara dragged herself to science.

"KARAAA!" came the shrill voice of Lorry. "WHERE WERE YOU?!!!"

"Where do you think, Banshee?" Kara retorted, using Lorry's canny nickname. "I was at home in the dorm."

"Home? You have no home, orphan!" Lorry yelled. That was the trigger.

Kara tackled Lorry to the floor. "You inconsiderate witch! Don't you care about anyone but you?"

"I'm above you and everyone else!" Lorry cried. The two were rolling around on the ground exchanging blows.

"You're not above anyone!" Kara punched Lorry in the face. "Anyone who can't think about how other feel aren't above ANYONE! They're nothing but trash!"

Suddenly a teacher came into the room. "Ms. Minka! Ms. Waters! What are you two doing? Get off each other now!" the teacher shouted. He ruffly grabbed Kara by the arm and pulled her off of Lorry.

Lorry took advantage of this and got up and lunged at Kara, knocking her over. The two, once again, were on the floor exchanging curses and punches.

The teacher grabbed Lorry and tugged her and kept her at arms length from Kara who was now slightly bloody and glaring up at Lorry from her spot on the floor.

"Just wait," Lorry said. "You'll get what's coming to you, you virago!"

"Ms. Minka, take yourself to the bathroom and clean yourself off. Come back here when you're done," the teacher said.

"Yes sir," Kara mumbled. She headed to the bathroom just as the bell rung.

Kara studied herself in the mirror at the bathroom. She had a minor cut under her right eye that was bleeding and her nose was slightly bloody. Kara began running the sink water on cold and began washing her minor wounds.

Lorry deserved what was coming to her, Kara thought bitterly. She's an inconsiderate, spoiled brat! She doesn't understand how to feel true belonging and friendship. She's a bi–!

Her thoughts were interrupted by screams. She ran out into hallway. Flames were scattered everywhere. Kids and adults alike were trapped between flames. Kara could only see silhouettes through the flames.

"So this is where that power serge came from?" someone said. It was the voice of a teen boy that Kara couldn't recognize. "It's close. Spirit of Fire, kill all those without the power." The voice had become cheerful as if what he was doing wasn't cold.

Power? I've gotta get everyone out of here! Kara tried to run through the flames but stopped short. Her past had caught up with her; it was just like déjà vu, just like when she was a child.

Why now? she cried to herself. Why freeze up now?

There was final cries and it suddenly became quiet. The roar of the fire was all that could be heard.

"How many are left?" There was a pause. "I see… Where? Oh!"

In a second, the flames dwindled to nothing. A boy with long black hair and child like eyes was standing behind the flames. He wore a red baggy gloves, a short white cloak, baggy pants, and yellow and red star-in-circle earrings.

"So you're one of us! Let's see which one…" the boy said.

Out of nowhere, fire blasted towards Kara. Kara eyes widen in horror as the flames flashed past her as if she wasn't there. Kara came out unburned.

"I see," the boy said.

"What did you do to everyone?" Kara shouted. "Who are you?"

"I am Zeke," Zeke said. "As for the humans they were killed. This world doesn't need people like them."

"What are you saying! You're one of them!" Kara shouted, angrily. "You have no right to call people inferior!"

"You think me human? I am not your average human," Zeke chortled.

"What do you mean?!"

"I am a shaman," Zeke said evenly.

Shaman? Kara thought. Shamans aren't real! Ghosts aren't real. This person is just as crazy as Borta! But he said 'So you're one of us.' Does that mean Borta was right?

"You are one as well but your abilities are yet to be uncovered," Zeke mentioned. "Why don't you come with me?" Zeke walked forward.

Kara backed away until her back hit the nearby wall. Zeke placed grabbed her chin with one hand gently and raised her head upward slightly.

He stared at her for a moment. "You're quiet cute. Why don't you join me?" he asked. "We could hone your abilities. You're wildest dreams could come true. This will all come to past if you join me."

Kara was tempted to say yes but remembered what had happened just minutes before. She smacked his hand away. "No!" she shouted. "I'll never join a murderer!"

The boy frowned. "Oh, well," Zeke said. "I asked. Spirit of Fire, let's get going."

Zeke turned to leave.

"What are you?" Kara demanded. "What do you say I am?"

"We are alike," Zeke answered coolly. "We are both Elements of Fire!"

Zomygosh! It's Zeke! So far it's only Shaman King, but just wait!