This world exists mainly because I don't want to have to end up spamming my actual blog-world-thing with the many pictures that I find. Chances are none of them are mine, AND they're found places like tumblr, photobucket, etc. And none of them belong to me. At all. Otherwise I wouldn't be typing this. Videos also might appear, so those belong to their owners, too. XP


Mom and sister start fighting.
Can think of only two options: Advance and stop it, or a8scond and drown out with Diru.
External Image

Just casually posting.

External Image
Why is this so entertaining to watch? OTL

There Are Many Reasons Why I Like Shayde

THis is one of them:

AKA: His sense of music.
*Not all reasons are listed*

One Day....

...When I was searching for Dir en grey pictures, this appeared:

And what was my reaction to it?
And then it turned to External Image


Why do I love this so much? XD (Found Via Tumblr)