HI! I finally went to my first con! (don't ask what it was! It's a secret! ^_~) The first day I was Trinity from the Matrix (nobody actually got it though...) The second day was THE BEST! I was the Hikaru version of the Cheshire Cat! It just so happened, too, that there was a Kaoru Cheshire Cat without a twin, so we became each others twins! IT WAS AWESOME!

But I also got REALLY mad at my friend. She must live in a different time zone, or something. First, she tells me she's coming at one. I call her a 2:15 wondering where the heck she is! She tells me she ment 2:00. Well, she was still at home, and it was already past 2:00. She arrived after 3:00, with two other friends. It turned out, she decided to be one of my other friends buttlers, instead of my Mad Hatter. I WAS SO ***** MAD! Then she tells me right as I'm leaving that she wasn't coming today, even though she got the 3 day pass so that she COULD go all three days! GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! IF UR READING THIS, HIT YOURSELF REALLY HARD, S!

Other than that, today was really awesome! I made a bunch of random friends during this Cosplay RPG! We entered as team Tristan's Voice (Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged reference!) and we had another friend who was going to be our summon (the Executive Producer to those who get it!) but we didn't get picked to be one of the four teams to compete TT_TT. Oh well! BUT GUESS WHAT! I GOT THE AUTOGRAPH OF VIC MAGNOGNA! He voices Fai from Tsubasa, Tamaki from OHSHC, Dark from DN Angel, Ed from FMA, and Light from D-Note! And I got the autograph of the M. Alice Legrow! Who wrote the Bizenghast series! She even drew the awesome cat! *insert loud and long fangirl squee here* I AM SO GOING BACK NEXT YEAR!!!!

And if he's reading this for some random reason...

I LOVE YOU VIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
