
Hi all! I just took those two Tsibasa quizes out there, and the results were freaky accurate. You see, I'm not one to pick the answers for the character I want to be, but I choose what I would really do *looks at friend*. Well, my tell me I'm alot like Fai. I tend to smile alot, but I can get serious (rarely). But the truth is that behind my smile, I'm not really smiling. So I came up as Fai! It was weird, cuz I thought I picked alot of Sayoran and Kurogane answers. Then I took the date one, and came up as Sayoran! He's my second favorite guy on the show (besides Ryuo, but he isn't a main character) I always thought me and Sayoran would do good on a date together... I love studying other religions and cultures! ^_^ I want to thank the peoples who who made those quizes! There awesome!

Btw, does anyone know if it would be possible to embed a toy-thing on this world? Cuz I would love to put out the big red button!
