Paet 4: Itsuki's (Valid?) Excuse

The next morning, Itsuki watched Haruhi wake up. She sat up in a lawn chair, and walked into her uncle's house. He sat himself next to Kyon, who was also asleep in a lawn chair.
"I'm sorry for my terribly agressive behaivor yesterday, I believe that it's the upcoming meteor shower."
Kyon looked up at him, groggily. "Eh?" Mikuru skipped across the deck.
"The meteor shower," she said, twirling around. "It's the most romantic night of the year!" She had a faraway, dreamy look in her eyes. Her mood swung, and then she was ranting, with her hands on her hips. "But I don't get how Itsuki could use that as an excuse for his actions. I know he's usually friendly, but yesterday, he called you a "Big Idiot", and pushed you into the pool, and I admit, that that's not normal for Itsuki, true..." Yuki walked over to them, and spoke to them, in her usual expressionless tone.
"On my planet, we know that meteor showers can distort people's personalities and emotions, which explains Itsuki's strange actions, and Haruhi's little panic attack lat night." Kyon's heart sank. "So last night, when she said she needed me, she didn't mean it, it just the meteor shower?" Mikuru shook her head.
"Not fully. She does need you, you're the key, remeber? She needs you, just not in an emotional way, as far as we know."
"Alright," Kyon said. "This meteor shower, when is it?"
Haruhi dashed out onto the deck.
"A meteor shower?!"
"Yeah," said Itsuki. "It's next week. How much did you hear?" Haruhi pointed to Kyon.
"Only when Kyon asked when it was." That was good. The facts that Yuki was an alien, Mikuru was from the future, Itsuki was an ESPer, and that Haruhi had godlike powers, had to remain secret. If Haruhi found these facts out, then a catistrophic event would occur. "I think it's something to add to our trip! It's known that meteor showers bring about all sorts of supernatural phenomena! My cousin has a car that fits six people, so he can drive us everywhere. I just have to ask him first!"

Haruhi's cousin loaded Kyon's duffle bag into the trunk.
"I booked a master suite," Haruhi jabbered, looking up from a map. "It has two bathrooms, two beds, and a pullout couch. We can deal with that. The hotel has a pool, an arcade, a library, free WiFi, and even a grocery store! I mean it, this place has everything!"
"Sure," Kyon said. "But how long will it take for us to get there."
"Oh nothing major," Haruhi grinned. "Just four hours."

Fanfic Part 3: I need you

In over her head huh? Kyon stared at the empty spot on the couch where Haruhi once sat. She had gotten up, yelled at him, and stormed away. His heart really went out to her, and if saving his life caused her pain, then he would cause her less.
Haruhi was passed out on a lawn chair when Kyon reached the deck. He took off his shirt, which was now dry, and draped it over her body.
"I reallydolike your bathing suit," he whispered in his ear. He wanted to kiss her, but decided to pull a chair over, and watch her instead. He looked up at the sky, the sunset was making the clouds expload rays of orange, pink, and purple.
Yuki turned to look at Mikuru, and spoke.
"This, was supposed to happen?" The girl from the future flashed a half smile.
"Maybe, but it gets better. Kyon will soon be in a deep sleep, and-well, you'll see!"

Kyon was awoken by a loud scream.
"What?!"He sprung out of the lawn chair, and looked around. He saw only darkness, could it be nighttime already? He looked down, and saw Haruhi on the ground, crying and sweating. She looked up at him, with tears in her large brown eyes.
"Kyon," she whispered, her voice quaking. "I need you."

Fanfic Part 2: The Pool Party

On Saturday, two days before their break, Kyon got a letter in the mail. He opened it forcefully. On the front, there was a a drawing of him. But he was green, with antennas. He was also wearing swimming trunks. Above the drawing it said "IT'S A BRIGADE POOL PARTY!!" Kyon opened up the card, and skimmed it's contents. It was that day, at three o clock. He pulled his pajamas off, and put on shorts and a T-shirt. It wasn't like he was going to swim or anything.
Haruhi smiled as she looked into the crystal clear water of the pool. She cupped her hands, and called to her Uncle who was mowing his lawn.
"Hey Uncle! Thanks for letting me borrow your pool!" He nodded.
Mikuru skipped out to the diving board and struck a pose. She had her brand new pink bikini on.
"Do I look okay?" She asked, and Haruhi nodded.
"Where's Yuki?" Haruhi asked. A voice came behind her, and it made her jump.
"I'm right here.' Yuki was wearing a gray one piece bathing suit.
"Well, can you two watch the pool? I have to change."
Haruhi sprinted into the bathroom, and pulled a flashy blue two piece out of a plastic shopping bag. This ought to get his attention!She thought. Kyon was hopefully coming to the party, and if he didn't, then she would have spent 1,000 Yen on that thing for nothing.
The sun danced across her face as she emerged form the house. Itsuki had just came, he was wearing a pair of orange swimming trunks, so NOT his color.
"I brought POCKY!" He yelled, and pulled out five boxes of the chocolate coated biscuit sticks.
Kyon showed up soon after, in a T-shirt and shorts. No bathing suit. Haruhi confronted him on the spot.
"So, do you like my bathing suit? Because I'd like yours if you were wearing one." She grabbed the collar of his shirt.
"" Haruhi let go of him, and leaped into the pool. She was then followed by Itsuki, and Yuki eased herself in from the shallow end.
Mikuru was trying to get into the water, but it was too cold, so Itsuki grabbed her hand, and pulled her in. She screamed at first, but then calmed down and began swimming laps. Kyon just sat in a chair by the deck, and watched them all swim. This, apparently didn't impress Itsuki.
"C'mon you big idiot!" Itsuki laughed, pulling Kyon out of the lawn chair, and dragging him to the diving board.
"No. I don't swim." At that moment, Itsuki slipped, pushing Kyon into the pool.
There was a splash, and Haruhi's heart started pounding faster than it ever should. She dropped the towels and ran to the diving board. Kyon was sinking further under water. THAT EXPLAINS IT ALL! HE CAN'T SWIM! Before anyone could do anything, she dove in. She swan words the bottom, and grabbed Kyon's arm. She felt her head beak the surface, and she heard Kyon coughing and gasping.
"Grab my waist okay? I'm going to get you to the stars." She felt him holding onto her, and she swam to the steps. Kyon stepped off, he was shaking a little bit, and he was still coughing.
"Can you make it from here?" She asked him, and he nodded.
Haruhi swam over to the ladder, and sat there, her head buried in her hands. She tried to be as quiet as she could with her crying. Why didn't he tell me he couldn't swim?! I thought we were friends! I thought he could trust me! I thouhgt...he might feel...At that moment, she looked up. Itsuki, Mikuru, and Yuki were staring at her.
"Were you crying?" Asked Yuki.
"Your eyes were red." Said Itsuki.
"It's the chlorine."
"But you were sniffling!" Shouted Mikuru.
"It's my allergies." Haruhi stood up, and shook them off. "I'M FINE!" she screamed as she ran into the house. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" She leaned against the wall, and slid to the floor.
"Hey." Said a voice. Her uncle crouched down and touched her arm.
"That was a pretty big thing you did back there. You saved that boy's life. But somethin' about what you did upsets you." She nodded. Haruhi's voice trembled as she spoke.
"It's just that, I don't know anymore." Her uncle sat next to here.
"you don't know it he loves you or not. I know you darlin', whenever you have to be a hero, it crushes you. You find some sort of irrational reason to explain it.
You have always been this way, but for a long time, you've stopped crying. Why is that? Why don't you cry alone like this anymore?" Haruhi shook.
"People stopped making fun of me for being weird."
"That's not true and you know it. It's this boy, isn't it? Being with him makes you happy. So happy, you started paying less attention to the taunts and jeers that people threw at you. But now, you remembered the last time you saved him, and that boy wasn't there to protect you. Youwere protecting him." Harhui looked up, the tears still streaming down her face.
"I recognized him as soon as I saw him. Remember when you were at camp a few years ago? You were six or seven. A boy was standing on the dock, and he fell into the lake. You jumped in and saved him. You were crying after that too."
He stood up, and left.
"Now stop sulking, he's waiting for you."
Haruhi looked out the window, and Kyon was standing there. He came inside. "Listen," he said, his voice was stern. "We need to talk." Haruhi led him into the family room, and sat on the couch.
"Haruhi, just hear me out okay? I knew you were crying. I'm sorry." She opened her mouth to protest, but he laid his finger over his lips. "No, let me finish first. I'm sorry that I caused this whole fiasco and ruined your party." Haruhi stood up, red hot with fury.
"You're what?"
"I'm just in a little too over my head, that's all."


Fanfic Part 1: Haruhi's Big Announcement

"I have a huge announcement for all members of the SOS Brigade!" Came Haruhi Suzumiya's voice over the morning announcement's PA.
Kyon rolled his eyes. Whatever this announcement was, it was probably something involving her doing something outrageous, and the rest of them having to play usual.
Even though he liked Haruhi, a lot, she was a little strange. But that was what attracted him to her the most. Even if people ridiculed her, she always stayed the way she was, a never changing star in the ever changing world of their high school. She also looked amazing in a ponytail. She always had a smile on her face. Being with her took his breath away. Mostly because he was choking most of the time, she loved dragging him around by his tie.
When he got to his first class, Itsuki pulled him to the side.
"So," he said. "What do think this surprise is?"
"Probably something criminal." Kyon sighed. Itsuki laughed.
"You crack me up!" Kyon rolled his eyes.
"I'm serious. She hasn't committed a crime that we know of yet, it's about time she went bonkers." Itsuki laughed again. Mikuru skipped over to the pair of them, Yuki trailing closely behind her.
"What's so funny?" Asked Mikuru, with her eyes shining with curiosity. Before either of them could answer, Haruhi waked in and sat at her desk.
Kyon's heart pounded against his ribs. He placed his hand over his chest, and sighed. When would this crush stop? All of the students sat down to begin class.
By the time school was over and club started, the small smile that Haruhi had in first period had become a devil's grin.
"Okay," sighed Yuki, in an emotionless tone. "What's this 'Big Announcement'?" Haruhi laughed like a maniac. Oh no, Kyon thought. This CAN'T be good.
"Well," Haruhi grinned. "We have a break coming up, and I thought we could go on a vacation together. To like, an amusement park and stuff." She smiled shyly, (for the first time,) waiting for a reaction from the other brigade members. Yuki nodded, causing a roar of triumph from Itsuki, and an exited giggle from Mikuru.
The Brigade looked at Kyon, who was leaning back in a chair. Haruhi dashed over and grabbed him by his necktie.
"So, what do you say?!" She growled. Kyon glared at her.
"Fine," he hissed at her through gritted teeth. She released him, and Kyon fell backwards in his chair.
As he sat of the floor, Kyon's heart was pounding even harder.
A Brigade Vacation huh? He thought. I guess I should get used to my heart racing like this.