For always being there for me, here's your prize! :D

Dear Hanawa-san,

My, it's kind of awkward to start this simple with a "Dear Hanawa-san," since every time I send you a letter aka PM I always start it with a "Hi there Hanawa-san! " *laughs*

Well, that aside, do you still remember your first PM to me, Hanawa-san? You asked me to introduce myself and because of my lousy introduction, you sent me such a long PM which started our long PMs to each other. *smiles* But then, the things above are not the main point of my letter to you, Hanawa-san. My letter is about my gratitude for what you said to me in those long PMs and of course for our (hopefully) long friendship too. *grins*

I'm not great at writing letters like this but, to start this off, I want to say thank you, Hanawa-san. Thank you so much for making me laugh and for laughing with me too, for telling me so much things about anime, for listening to my boring and long stories, for giving me advice, for spending time just to send me a PM even though it's too late at night, for making me realize that there's some things that I'm better off without, for making me realize that hot anime guys are just my cup of tea hahaha... LOL ^^, and well, for everything. *smiles*

Hanawa-san, I just want to let you know that you're so nice, sweet, funny, and well, a great friend. *smiles* You thought me so many things that I forgot most of them. *laughs* You also made me know myself more and gave me more confidence of myself too. *grins*

*laughs* I really don't know what to say anymore, actually. And by reading my letter to you, you must have known by now that I'm a horrible writer. But well, to make my letter short, here's what I really want to say: Thank you Hanawa-san for everything and I want you to know that I really appreciate everything you've done for me. And I just hope you realize that you're such a nice person. So thanks so much! *hugs* And also sorry for my bad writing. I did my best but my writing is still a mess so I hope that's okay.

So yeah, that ends my confusing and messy letter. Love yah Hanawa-san! I hope that we'll be friends for a very long time! Much longer than every PM I sent to you! *laughs*

Your friend,
