Hello, I'm still alive...I think

Hey! So, I forget the last time a posted, but undoubtedly it it was a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, *gasp* long time ago! Therefore, I was just letting all of you know that yes, I am alive, kind of. I got my wisdom teeth out on Monday, so that's debatable. Well, it doesn't really hurt anymore, but my cheeks and jaw are sore :( Oh, really good news though!!!!! I will dedicate a whole new paragraph to it, chronicled by the happenings of last week and beyond!

Sunday(the 16th) Was spent driving home from vacation, not much happened.
Monday Anthony came over! And, he asked me in person (this time, as opposed to the text message exchange, as seen in earlier post) if I'd like to go out with him. My inner-ness was like "HELL YEAH!" But, uh, it came out as, "Of course!" *shy~blush* So, yay! We are dating, except for that fact that we really havent gone on a date yet, unless you count him coming over to my house and watching LOTR!
Tuesday I went over to his house and we talked, went to the park and then he walked me home. In the park, I texted Sarah, telling her that Anthony and I are going out now. We talked a bit, blahblah. Then, about five minutes later, she drives by! Lol. Walking back home, I reached out and grabbed his hand! *cue schoolgirl blush* We were a little bit away from my house, and my dad was on the porch and saw us, and even though it was a lil bit embarrassing, I couldn't help but keep a stupid grin on my face!
I forget what I did that Wednesday...
Thursday Brawlfest! At one of my friend's house, we all played brawl and ate cake and yummy thing from 2 to around 9ish! So much fun! Oh, and Anthony put his arm around me! I know, I know, holding hands? Arm around? You amy think: LAME! However, snogging isn't everything, lol!
Uhhh, I forget again what really happened Fri-Sun. Not too much...
Monday(the 24th) I got my wisdom teeth out, an adventure all in itself! So, I was out of commission that day , Tues, and Wed. Tuesday, all I ate was pudding and soup.
Thursday Anthony came over again and we finished watching Two Towers. It was awesome

Eh, I'm getting tired now so I'll tell you more lovely details of stuff and stuff later. Ciao!
