Ta~da! :o

So... if you haven't noticed, I made another world: Melody of the Waves! woot! So, if you have time, please check it out!

Ah! So, for once I'll tell you about some awesome anime!! Last weekend, (? i can't remember when) I saw Romeo x Juliet, Mushi-shi, and Baccano! and they were awesome! Wow, that was a lot of exclamation marks and stylised text...Anyway, they were all good, but my favorite by far was Baccano! (which, btw does include the exclamation mark in the title) I saw...four, five? episodes and fell in love with the story. It flips between time frames and revolves around some big incident, that you'll just have to find out for yourself! I highly reccomend watching it, cause it includes: funny characters, sweet shoot-out scenes, the mafia, people who are immortal, crazy psycho killers, and much much more!

...and guess what the greatest part of the animefest was...it was at you-know-who's house. So, it made an animefest so much better than if i had been alone, sitting in a dark room staring at a tv or computer screen.

Well, until I see you all again,
~Gaijin otome
