........my room T.T

As I sat alone in my silent pondering, time seemed to speed by...I was suddenly snatched from my daze however, seized by the notes of a wondrous melody. It was coming from the string music room...which I happened to be sitting right above...the harp...while it couldn't match 'her' playing...it was really quite good. Very close even...such a beautiful...melody.

-She laughed at me...the way I sat in awe after she'd finished playing. Every single time she played for me, I was always left dumbfounded. A loss of words...of any emotion at all. Her music which filled the heavens was much too perfect...just like her. My beautiful Melody. Her golden brown hair, emerald jade eyes...and her smile. The one seemed reserved for me, and me alone. I loved all of her, for not only did she have her beauty and music...but she was also very wise. She often spoke to me in the matters of the heavens. Deliberating over and discussing their validity. She was always curious as to whether something was RIGHT or WRONG...at first I hadn't understood...but after listening for long enough...I too began to hold my doubts.

"Melody, how is it that you can see what even I cannot?" I questioned her as we stood on the balcony overlooking the magnificent garden of my home. It had been constructed for her, but I found even It was no match for her beauty. Lightly my index finger brushed back a strand of her hair, gently twirling it as it gleamed goldenly in the sunlight.

"Even I don't know that answer silly..." She smiled grasping my hand and forcing it to her cheek. "All I know is that I was taught to trust in my instinct. To have my own beliefs...and to follow them...my dear sister...she taught me all that I know...."

A slight sadness filled her eyes, and I aimed to change the subject. Her sister had incited a war in the heavens, and had thus been banished. It was unknown as to whether she'd survived, or if she'd actually been executed. All I knew, was that Melody looked up to her sister all her years, and loved her deeply. "There's something I have to tell you..."-

My reminiscing was cut short...for the harp came to an abrupt halt. I had lingered there far too long anyway. Standing up, I flew away from my perch, back to my room. I would just have to make a brief stop...to prepare myself for the demon classes. I opened my door...blinked...then CLOSED my door.

I stood there motionless...unable to comprehend if I had really just SAW what I thought I saw...A slight twitch of my eye and I opened the door once more. Walking inside...there was utter chaos. Total destruction...and a stench in the air. Upon closer inspection, I found the source...blood on the walls... "'I am back for all eternity' huh?" I read aloud walking up to the nearest writing. Taking my finger, I rubbed off a bit, and shifted it between my forefinger and thumb. "And fairly fresh..." I mumbled. "Whoever did this was very cautious. They managed to hide their life energy while they committed this crime, however, they cannot hide from me. There's only one who would seek to make such a statement...just what does he wish to accomplish by this?"

Walking into my bathroom, I washed the blood from my hands with slight disgust. And now...I was getting a headache. This was really not the best time for me to walk into a room full of DEMONS...in fact, the timing couldn't be worse. Yet, I had made a pledge...I would follow it. In the meantime...I would just have to suppress any urges I may acquire to "kill"...though...placing an angel in a room with their natural enemy...well...that was asking a lot. "Let's hope Able's naive faith in me...wasn't ill-placed."

I walked into the hall and off to my next class. "Oh yes...and I suppose I'll be needing a new room...good thing I don't keep anything of any "real" value here..." I muttered with slight irritation.

Kira: TT^TT First ROKU...and now your room is destroyed!! Oh Raph...I think someone's out to get you!!

Raphael: Nonsense Miss Kira...I'm sure that's not the case. >.>' Just coincidence I'm sure...

Kira: How can you be so positive...

Raphael: ^-^ Because if I'm not POSITIVE...then I believe I'll totally go insane...that's how... *big smile*

Kira: O.e....okay....I got ya....
