Drenched in Filth

I had begun teaching my class, just as usual, for the first day anyway, i figured since the first class had such a hard time with the physical aspects of my lessons i figured i would first and foremost teach the things that you actually cold through verbal expression. The basics essentially, how to clench a fist, how to take a hit, how to roll with out twisting anything. Then the Headmaster Came stumbling into the room...

"...crap..." i just said to myself...

I had continued teaching just normally, thanking god the whole while that he was not here for the first day when i had attempted to have people actually do something with them selves in my class...

Class had been dismissed but i had this feeling that Able wasnt simply here to watch me...i knew it was coming...i knew it was coming....and....

"Hello Brenin! I heard you made some students try to break their desks, is this true?

There it was...Crap...

"Yes it is. It is not my Fault that they are so weak."i said, it was a honest response, i figured why not.

He had glanced over my shoulder and asked "Are those what i think they are?"


"Yes, and?"

"Well id like it if you wouldn't have them do that. Because then i would have to buy more and the students can also get hurt. So would you please no have them do that?

"Then what do you suggest to make them stronger?" i had said with a small amount of anger.

"well you can take them to the gym and have them break wood and not desks.."

"Hm...Yea, I'll have to think about that..." i said, it was a interesting idea, i may have to have the wood come to my class though simply for the fact that i went to all the trouble the have the angel set up a barrier so no magic could be used.

"well by your next class Valla will be back to assist you.Now if you will excuse me i have something to do. Oh and please be at the meeting area in 10 minutes"

He had excused himself...

"how is wood going to be any better then these? the desks are metal! and some wood! it makes for better conditioning!" i said kicking one of the already broken desks into more pieces...

"Oh well...ill just have to get creative..." i said leaving my class

i had wondered the area for a small while only to make my way to the meeting that was taking place

Unfortunately i was a bit late, but not without good reason, before the meeting there was a scent of blood in the air, not just a little bit like someone scraping their knees against the pavement, no...much more then that...what seemed to be a heavy scent one that carried alot of blood not just one individual. Lost in my train of thought they were asking for my opinion, i could only guess that they were talking about the mission that was designated for the students.

They looked at me, unaware that i haven't been following for a small while now... "Most of them are too weak, they need this" i stated continuing to try to pin down exactly what the smell was.

only to hear the fairy rebuking our thoughts,

"That may or may not be right Fairy, but they need to know how to fight" i said...

"This academy after all has alot dangers to it. both seen and...un...seen....my god what the hell is that smell...the blood is only thicker in the air now" i thought to myself.

Roku came through the hall...drenched in blood, but the smell lingering in the air was not his blood, but the blood of many, the blood of innocents. I had known the smell of peasant blood far to well.

It didnt bother me however i just viewed it as some egomaniac who got his kicks from slaughtering the lambs he came across, in my pack he would have been not only exiled but we would have taken one of his arms for such actions. But it was out of my hands...

"If you'll all excuse me , I have a bit of business to attend to before my next lessons." Raph had stated

"I approve of the students going on this expedition. Not to Worry Able, we shall all be there to protect them. I doubt highly that there would be any casualties." he once more stated leaving the area

"Unless this one over here intervenes then i think we are ok" i said nodding my head towards Roku.

I had begun to take my leave when i heard Roku mention that he was just having some "Fun"


My eyes had begun to widen, i could feel my pupils begin to slowly become slits...

"What did you just say..." i said turning around...

"i said, i was having FUN!"

My anger began to get the best of me.

"Fun...you said...you say you were having "Fun" slaughtering the innocents...Look at you covered in blood, thinking of it as a trophy when it is nothing more then being drenched in your own filth! Look at you proud as can be that you killed those who cant fight, you are not a monster, a monster is someone who kills those who can fight and those who have fought in wars and such! You are not a Warrior, a warrior is one who fights honorably in battles that are nothing more then fair! You arent a legend, legends kill creatures of myth that are thought to be invincible!! You sir....ARE PATHETIC! killing those who cant fight, you are nothing more then a child playing with insects" i said slightly enraged

"I may be an animal! But i know what it means to fight and i know who i should be fighting!i I am not a being like you, who is chained and destined to fall and crawl killing anything and anyone! All the things i have done all the BLOOD that I have caused to run,i did it for those who matter for me! I will never forget how FAR i have come...t i may not be the most moralistic creature but i know i am far above you, you are nothing more then a pathetic child who is powerhungry for that which he cant have."

I turned my back and walked away, i didn't want to hear whatever excuses he had to say about what he had done, i didn't want to hear about whatever reasons he had, i just didn't want him in my sights.

"Yo, Able, the kids will be ok, if i am there, nothing can touch them, if you have the rest of the teachers there, then i think we have no reason to worry."

I had taken my leave back to my class...

"Disgusting..." i muttered under my breath...
