"HA, later roomy." i waved as Clovis left my room... but then in a spilt second he came back again. WTF.
"Yo werten't you ment to be at the office??"
"Nah..." Clovis came and sat down beside me.... as he reached for the controls i noticed that he had peircings and RED tips on the end of his hair.

"What are you playing at dude..... when did you get red tips in you hair?" i asked as i touched a couple of the tips and looked at them closley.

"I think you got the wrong guy..... I'm Adam."
"WHA??? nah your CLovis... my room mate."
"No, i'm your room mates big brother."
"OHH i see what your doing here," i said waving my finger at him,"Your tryiing to TRICK me into thinking your your own brother.... But i can see through your easy disguise.. it's all a matter of....."

"HA little baby bro.." Adam waved at a person behind me. I looked to see a shocked Clovis as i knew him. I turned back around to stare at this 'ADAM' then back around to stare at Clovis.

"..........OK, i'm confused..."
"Hay i'm Adam.... like i said." Clovis's brother said and started blowing up brians and Zombies on my game.... I watched as Clovis's brother was NOTHING like him.... AND HE WAS BETTING MY HIGH SCORE!!!!!

I grabbed the controller and began to Bet back this competitor... NO ONE bets my high score.... It went on like this for a bit... io only JUST svaed myself from being he hero in my own game. With everything done and over with i turned to my competitor.

"Nice one, you almost bet me."
"Ha, i would have bet you if you didn't have this stupid lame ass wired controlers... you still living in the 20th centeruy man. COMMON' wireless are the WAY TO GO!!" he said and got up and getting close to his brother PUT HIM IN A HEADLOCK!! i laughed my ass off as Clovis got the nuggy of his life.

"Nice one. SO you here to study with us?" i asked as i lounged back on my bed
"Nah, just here to annoy Junior here."
"Fair enough. Well don't be scared to come drop by... i'm always happy to wipe the floor with you in zombie mashing."
"HAHA, i'll bet you next time.. you can count on that.... Hay little bro can i talk to you." with that Adam grabbed Clovis by the neck and walked him outta the room and along the corridor.

The bells went for class to begin and i grabbed out the case for My electric guuitar and walked to the string instrument room... I almost dropped everything when i saw who had taken up my spot in the back corner of the room......
*********** (Music room Rucus)

I walked back to my room.... man that Fairy teacher could be scary.... I opened the door to find that it was TRASHED. i couldn't help but get annoyed... i hated it when people touched my stuff. I grabbed all the junk that had been thrown onto my bed off onto Clovis's. I then got my alarm clock from behind my TV, set it for 10 to 6. I went back to my bed and leaning over, got the acoutic guitar case from where it had been hiding.... I opened the case and marvelled at the colouring of the wood. This guitar was given to me from my father... it had been the guitar he played to make mother accept him. They had been a betrothed couple, and had never met. But the day before their wedding father sat outside her window and played to her on this very same guitar. All during that night they talked. He played he the most beautiful songs while she talked about her fears and freights of being married to man she didn't know.

As she walked up the asile during the wedding she could not help but think of that masked figure that had sung to her all the night before. She took the hand of my father and the ceremony began. As the man infront of them spoke about love and forever as they both kneeld. Father then leaned over, ever so slightly to whisper in her ear. "Forever and ever, until we part... i will always be thaat masked stranger singing to you in the dark."

My father says that when he said those words to mother she then looked at him with love in her eyes. He also said that to prove he was trually the masked stranger, on their wedding night he took that mask and this guitar and sung to her all night. Just as he had done before.

Several decades later they had me. Everynight father played this guitar as mother sang..... until one night when they were silenced forever....Even though i wished they had never left me i could be happy that i knew they died in the arms of a loved one.

With that i began to slowly play the guitar. I had mastered it a long time ago, yet i still played mindlessly when i could. It was as though my hands did their own thing. They had a mind of their own while my own mind to wonder to different thoughts.

I must say it was a good thing i had been right. Jezabelle was in playing her Harp... It was a pity she broke it. But i guess she was right i shouldn't have yelled but when it comes to these kinda things......

I smirked as i remebered the look on Jezabelle's face as i cranked up that electric guitar... no wonder it had only been $50.. it was WAY out of tune... But i didn't mind. It got me out of music class with all the rest of the races... and i liked cooking... even if it was going to be for the rest of the vampires during break....

My alarm screached as i looked over. The saying is right. Time DOES fly when your having fun. I slammed off the alarm and I hurriedly chucked everything back to it's place and lounged on my bed. I took up a position of ubsolute bordem as i heard footsteps to my room. As the door open i readied myself.

"CLOVIS!!! ABOUT TIME.... i was sooo...." i stopped in mid-sentance as Adam walked through...
"ADAM...." i began to stroke my chin as though i had facial hair... i also mimicked the style of a badly dubbed chineses kung-fu movie.
"SO, you come back to challenge the master... You think your skills have grown but they are not as great as mine young grass-hopper"
Please continue ADAM... if you wish, lol
