

I'd finished most of my classes and was headed to music. Great....this was just going to be so enjoyable....sarcasm.....especially since all the races were required to attend this class. What a waste of a class period. I looked down at my watch as I came into the music area.

As I looked back up, my eyes scanned the assortment of strings, wood winds, brass, and other instruments. The instruments had an almost worn look to them which made me wonder if they had just come out of storage. I waked over to the baby grand piano and all but wanted to cry when I saw what damage it had taken over years of confinement.

I stepped over to the piano silently, and when I was only an arms length away, I ran one hand down the side of it. I moved and sat down on the bench. I ran my hands down the keys and felt that sudden exhilarating sensation of playing. I hadn't played the piano in so long, but I could deny that music was a part of me just as much as a sword or saber.

I played a song that I had heard a while back and had mentally translated it into musical notes. The knowledge of the song ran through my fingers like water for it wasn't my mind who knew how to play.....

As I finished playing, I closed the piano and continued to sit on the bench. I could hear others practicing their instruments already, and I rested my head on the piano and closed my eyes. It was.....nice to hear others...

"Hey don't sleep on the piano," a voice said, and as I sat up, I realized it was Rai. He shook his head at me and just laughed. I sat up straight on the piano bench as Rai walked up. "Scooch over man," Rai smirked. "I'll show you how to play..."

I moved over a bit on the bench as Rai started to play the higher octaves. It was obvious he was playing some country Irish song, but I couldn't help wanting to ad lower tones to it. It would flow extremely nicely if only I added a C flat there and an A sharp there......

I put my hands on the lower octaves without realizing it. I started playing with Rai and the song evolved. Each of us waited for the other to see what he would do and then add to it. I hated to admit it, but Rai was good.

As we finished up a song, I closed the piano again and turned around on the bench.

"So where did you learn to play?" I asked casually. Maybe I had been just a bit harsh before.

"My mum taught me. What about you?" Rai asked.

"Ah I learned at Oxford," I answered. "When I was six I think."

"Wow," Rai answered. I couldn't tell from the sound of his voice whether or not he meant it that way.

As I looked around the area, I noticed the teacher had come in. I didn't move from the bench and neither did Rai. We both just sat there and waited.
