
I paced back and forth around the room...just waiting...which was getting me....

"ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE!" I shouted. "I have to...have to find Shori..."

Just as I had found my resolve however, I could hear steps approaching. They were still fairly far...but they were approaching. Most likely Shori. Running to the bed I jumped back in, rolled over and pretended to still be sleeping...as though I hadn't moved an inch. Soon after the door cracked open silently, then shut. I could hear as something was put away, and the footsteps approached the bed. It was him...slowly he climbed back into the bed...I held my breath just praying he couldn't tell I was awake...and then...I felt my nose being squeezed shut.

"GAAAH! Shori what are you doing?!!" I shouted jumping up.

He laughed loudly sitting up in a cross-legged position. "Mei, you can't fool me. I know you've been awake for awhile now, haven't you?"

I looked to the side. "No...maybe I was just WOKE UP cause I couldn't breathe!"

"I doubt that." He continued to laugh. And then, his face got serious. "I know you're wondering what I did...I went to find out if it was him. And it is. One of the new teachers is Brenin."

My mouth dropped. I knew I knew that name...who was that...who.... "Brenin..." I started walking back and forth once more. Why was I drawing a blank? Just who was this Brenin fellow? Suddenly I remembered...a time I had completely blocked..."The worst weeks...of...my life..." I muttered.

"Hah, I see you remember now." Shori confirmed by the look on my face. "Yes, THAT Brenin...however...I have no idea why he's chosen to come to this Academy. But I'm almost certain it's something to do with me. Chances are he's followed us here."

I didn't know what to say or do...all I could do was silently deliberate myself. I glanced over at the clock. "We don't have too much time 'til the first class. I guess we should get prepared then..."

Shori smiled. "Awesome! I spent a full night on the modifications. It'll be great to finally wear it."

I laughed. "Yeah, I'm sure. Unfortunately, I'm not as creative as you are with uniforms...I couldn't decide what to do...so I didn't change it at all. Well, aside from the tiny modifications...like the buttons...you know, little things."

"You should've given it to me." He stated with a smirk. "I woulda given it a complete overhaul like mine."

"Well, can't change it all now...we should get ready. I'll just meet you at the classroom, alright? Think I'll scope things out a bit more." I explained.


I was lucky not to encounter Jezabelle back in my room. I hurried into my uniform, and rushed to one of the music classrooms. There had been a couple set aside. One room for stringed instruments, another for horns, and etcetera. I didn't exactly know WHICH room I would be in...I excelled at several instruments...I suppose it didn't really matter...

I opened the door to a room that held a grand piano...in the rear of the room I also saw a harpsichord. It was lovely...I was drawn to it. There was no one around...not yet at least...so I doubted it would hurt if I played a couple notes...

Sitting comfortably, my fingers eased into position...and before I knew it...I was lost in the music. Just playing, completely oblivious to all around me.

"Wow! What song was that?! You're incredible!!" A girls voice squealed at the end of my song. I opened my eyes completely shocked to find that I'd gathered a crowd. She was a rather small angel...but I found that there were other angels in the crowd...as well as vampires...and two demons. This was exactly what I hadn't wanted...this recognition, and yet it'd happened anyway...I saw Shori smiling at me as he leaned against the nearby wall.

"Uh...it was the Cat's Fugue..." I muttered quietly, quickly making my way through them all as I got to Shori. I banged my head against the wall a couple times until Shori made me stop.

"That was beautiful Mei, I don't see why you want to hide that gift of yours..." He commented.

"Because Shori...it's only ever been used for selfish reasons...that's why..."

"That's not true. Don't you remember? Your music...well it kind of had a hand in bringing us together..."

Before we could speak any further Clovis came up. "There you guys are! I just got back from meeting my new roommate. It'll be.....interesting."

We waited for Clovis to expound more with the details...but just then the instructor entered the room. The nervous Fairy lady from before.

I gave Shori and Clovis a mischievous grin. I was still playing around with that little idea of mine...Just what WOULD happen if I caught the fairy...I snickered.

Kira: It figures Mei! Of all the songs you could play...it's the CAT'S FUGUE! LOL
Mei: But I like that song....
Kira: You love all things cat...don't you....

Here everyone, THIS is what she was playing. :3 Enjoy. ((I love Harpsichord lol))
