First Classes...and a Request?

As the classroom slowly filled with students, I went over the lesson plan in my mind once more. I had decided not to really give out any work today, focusing mainly on introductions, and letting them know the rules of my class. Any transgressions would NOT be tolerated...therefore I wanted them to know straight away just WHAT their boundaries were...which lines NOT to cross.

The first student of real 'mention' was close to one of the first students to enter. I had still been pacing when as I turned, my eyes met the gaze of the student. His eyes were a brilliant indigo hue, and had managed to keep their glittering luminance despite him being one of the fallen. I doubted I would've been able to tell had I not nearly been amongst the 'fallen' myself....yet as it stood...part of me wondered what tragedy had caused one so young to lose their faith.

"Good Morning Sir." He greeted giving me a slight bow, then turning, took a seat in the front row closest to the window.

It wasn't much longer 'til my classroom was filled, so I began.

"A Good Morning to you all, Angels of Class A." I greeted. "My name is Raphael et Sinclair, and starting today, I am your homeroom teacher. Any question should be directed to me first, so please all of you, don't go rushing off to administration on a whim. I will go ahead and take a brief roll-call, and then we shall set up the seating arrangements properly. I would prefer to keep this as orderly as possible, so keep the immature behavior to a minimum will you. I will warn you right now, I have NO tolerance for it."

Just as it seemed I finished the roll call, I heard the door open quietly. Slowly as I looked up from behind my desk, I could see him slinking towards the back of the room. "Mr. Meridan Uzuke!" I called out loudly. He was the only student not present, therefore it was only logical to assume that was him. "You're late!"

"Sorry dude." He stated as he turned around.

"Sit Down Meridan. And do not call me 'dude'. " I ordered.

"Sorry sir..." He responded and quickly took a seat...slumping down.

"Now, for those of you who missed my name..." I looked directly at Meridan. "I am Raphael et Sinclair. Do not forget that name. If you are ever in need of assistance, it can be a great asset to you." I smiled a bit, then got back to the matter at hand. The seats had been organized previous to Meridan entering, as flustered as he was...he'd chosen just a random seat. "Meridan, come take the seat behind Skylar, I want to fill in the empty seats here." He did as he was told quickly. "Now then, where you are all sitting now...these are your permanent seats. Make sure you remember them."

They were all very well behaved, so far I had no complaints in the slightest. This was quite easy. Now to go over the rules...I would make this quick. "The rules of my class are VERY simple. Abide by the rules set down by the Academy, do not be disrespectful to your schoolmates, or to me, and take your lessons seriously. That's pretty much all." I then looked at all of them, to invoke a final warning. "Don't worry, I'll be sure and let you know if you've done something wrong." Almost as if on cue, the bell rang signifying the changing of class. "You are all excused."

I took a deep first class had gone really wasn't difficult in the slightest...part of me wondered if the rest of the year would truly be so simple...especially when the students started receiving missions.

During my third period, I suddenly heard the door to my class open once more. Thinking it was another late student, I cast a slight glare...but found Brenin instead. He looked at me...then at the students...then back to me...

"Uh, You busy?" He spoke bluntly.

I resisted a smart remark and began my walk to him. "Just a moment class." Stepping out into the hall with him I closed the door behind me. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Why else did I come to you?" He began. "I need to know if you're capable of placing an area spell on my classroom. I want the students powers completely sealed while they're in my class. They need to learn how to fight off of their own strength...they can't depend on their magic all the time."

"Interesting." I deliberated. "Of course I'm capable, why else did you come to me." I rebuked wittily. "When my classes are through, I'll perform the spell. It'll only take a moment. It'll probably be somewhere around fifth period. Alright?"

"Yeah that's fine." Brenin accepted and started to walk off. "Thanks a lot there...uh...Sinclair."

I got back find Class C just as quiet and obedient as they possibly could be...they were was to be expected...though I slightly began to feel an unease as I thought about the other races. Most especially...the demons...

See, it's not so bad...Raph's class seems simple!! Except for the fact that he's a stickler for the rules. XD LOL
