A Kitty's Curiosity Knows No Bounds =*..*=

Brenin had gone soft...that was all there was to it. That class was NOTHING like the HELL he'd put me through. What, break a couple boards...push ups...please... if only the other students KNEW what that man was capable of. I could hear them whining as we exited...the polished little nobles...probably never seen a day of REAL COMBAT in their lives. I had never been one for fighting...but I could definitely defend myself in a war-time crisis. Though, since being with Shori, thankfully I'd never had to put my combat skills to any real test. I looked up at him and smiled fondly.

Our next class was English...which Sho fell asleep in. Then P.E., which Sho nearly fell asleep in since it was mainly intros. Finally we came to World History. The angel we met that night was our teacher. Yet he wasn't as cheerful as he had been then...he approached Shori with a furious expression. When he asked me to leave, I politely declined. After all, I wouldn't be parted from Shori...though...he wasn't too pleased by that. Sho didn't let him get angry with me...he stood before me protectively...

Apparently, Sho had broken school rules by altering his uniform. I had no idea something like that would be enforced so harshly...but then again this was an Academy. He was asked to go to detention, and he didn't even fight it! But then again...Shori wasn't the stubborn one...that was me. I was also the one who protected him in situations like this...after all...it was the least I could do to repay him for protecting me all the time.

Gallantly I stepped forward, a firm expression on my face. Taking a breath, I bowed very low. "I'm so very sorry sir!! It was my fault...I did this..." I admitted, slight tears forming in my eyes. "Don't punish Shori...I was practicing my sewing...I didn't do a good job...but I tried to fix it the best I could!!" I blubbered a bit, the Angel's expression began to get a bit softer. "Please don't send him to detention on his very first day!! If you must send anyone...it should be me!"

"...Mei..." I heard Shori mumble behind me, trying to get me to stop. I elbowed him in the stomach.

"Oh...sorry Shori..." I turned and gave him a fierce expression--which screamed SHUTUP! as he attempted to catch the breath I knocked out of him. "Sir Sinclair...please...just this once pardon him. Or punish me..." A tear rolled down my face--on perfect cue.

He turned around and began to walk away. "Take your seats. Both of you. I expect to see your uniform replaced by tomorrow Mr. Benitsuki."

I turned to Shori with a huge yet brief smirk on my face. He shook his head from side-to-side and brushed away my tears, and we took seats nearest the back of the room. I made sure Shori was sitting behind a really tall student...that way it would be harder for Mr. Sinclair to see him when he fell asleep. After all...this was a History class...yep...Shori would be out in minutes the moment the lecture began.

Lucky for Shori, I had been so strategic in my seat choosing. He DID fall asleep...and I could only imagine what would've happened had Sir Sinclair found out...I don't think my little 'act' would fool him twice. Just before the bell had rang, I noticed him, Sebastian. I remembered the occurrence from our first class...his 'lover's spat'.

I shouldn't...it's none of my business...but he's right here!! I should...no...I can't....noooo....

"Oread!! Hey!" I shouted out, unable to stand it any longer. It came as a surprise to Shori as I darted over to him in the hall.

He stopped and faced me, his eyebrow slightly raised in curiosity, most likely wondering what I wanted. "Can I help you with something Miss Aoitsuki?"

"Why yes you can..." I smirked, my mouth curling up like a mischievous cat. ((anime moment rofl)) "You know Sebastian...can I call you that? Just Sebastian? I don't like calling you Oread...I mean...it reminds me of her...and we really aren't on good terms...Anyhow! I just wanted to let you know...if there's any questions you might have...or if you need my assistance...I wouldn't mind helping you out. I mean...a fellow noble and all..."

"Forgive the interruption, but I'm having trouble following....I really don't know what you're getting at here..." Sebastian interrupted.

I smirked. "Of course you don't..." I nudged him a bit with my elbow.

"Mei?" Shori questioned me walking up.

"Alright Shori, I know...our next class." I acknowledged. "Just a quick tip Sebastian...your blood-mate does NOT like being stricken...what you did this morning...you should really refrain from that..."

"What I did?" Sebastian deliberated. "Blood-Mate?"

"Yes...you should apologize to her ASAP!" I explained and began to walk off. "I really hope you settle that affair....nasty business cheating..."

"Cheating?....Blood-Mate...." Sebastian mumbled. "--Alice>?! No wait! It's not what you think!!"

I giggled thinking how cute he was...trying to deny his blood-mate. And then Shori and I departed in a rush for our next lesson. Math. AND Not wanting to embarrass him any further that day, I made a point to avoid Sebastian for the remainder of our classes.

Somehow we'd pulled through...Schooling was more draining than I thought...I was eager to rest. We had been informed of a meeting the next day...apparently there was something only a select amount of students were assigned to do. Both Shori and I were to attend. Therefore...we needed to get to sleep as soon as possible. After all, the meeting was in the afternoon. Not very much sleep for us...

Reaching Shori's dormroom, we found Sebastian had yet to come in. I smirked again thinking about his situation...how I LOVED juicy stories of romance like that! We then crawled into bed...and within moments were fast asleep...not to awaken until minutes before the designated meeting.

BECAUSE we sorta overslept...we had to rush there...'actually SHORI had to rush...with me on his back because I refused to get out of bed'...but we made it so they couldn't complain either way. There were a couple students from every race there...we took a seat...and with me leaning my head on Shori's shoulder, we all waited to hear just what this MEETING was about.

Would you like to start up the meeting Kairi?? I'm trying to get this moving here so the student can finally hear the details of the PLAN!! Bwahahaha!
