Hello and welcome to Hano academy!

I am headmasterAble Rutherford The VI.
And I am proud to say that Hano academy is back in business, and classes will be gain soon!

Hano academy is a school for Humans, Vampires, Angels and Demons.
Those that join now will be giving 500$.

That money is for what ever you wish or need for you rooms, missions, extra classes, Field trips and such.
But of course you are giving those thing depending on your status with out using any of your money too.^^

Mission are events that must be taken care of.
There not to be taken lightly! The higher status you Obtain the harder your missions will be.^^

But not all mission are for ever one. As I said before, this school is for Humans. Vampires, Angels and Demons.
Even so if you truly wish to go on a certain mission that is not for your race, you may make a request and the teachers and I will over look it.-_^
Field trip are for all that wish to come and have a good time! Hopefully...
Some are payed for and some you will have to pay.

Now for your rooms, I am sorry to say but do to my horrid writing there....Well.... Rather tiny...So tiny that I don't now how I will make you all get room mates!...So please don't get mad at your room mate for steeping on your bed to leave the room.... But! If you two save enough money you may be able to get a bigger room. It is 3.050$. Boy, those constrain workers are so pricey! And again, if your status is high I will pay one for you. Let's just hope I don't lose my wallet again or flush it down the toilet....

Money is untanned by missions.
There are other ways of obtaining it but you'll just have to figure out...

Members~ Name- Level- Money

Darkittylove-Clovis .V. Seliongrave

Support Kira -Shimei Aoitsuki/Raphael et Sinclair-35 (1.000)
Sacred Moon
Macaiah-Miruki Iroku2-(1.000)
Black kitty doll-Neo Dimetrin-1(1.000)
SojiRem Eliot Hackheart-7 (1.000)
Kill Sasuke -Jezabelle Oread-38 (1.000)
AtticusPersona -Shori Benitsuki/Brenin-7 (1.000)
Elix3r-Skylar Dreylah-10 (1.000)
Duo Maxwell02-Ocean Tide-3 (1.000)
cheriblosomchibi-Meridan Uzuke-12 (1.000)
Dark Smile-Makoto Megami- 7 (500)
Ancient One-Rei Kiba-8 (500)
Shin Shadow-Shadow Daemon-1(500)
Kawaiihoneybunny0-Fuwa Fuwa Tsuroiro-1(500)
Wolfdemonchild9 -Sammie Hikari 1-(500)
Sumirechan-Aura Nightshade2-(500)
Junkodeer- (500)

Teachers for your use~
Grim Reaper-Magic, Valla Valkyrie-PE,Flyt,assist weaponry, Hana Flor-Cook, Summoning, Roku Shinigami-Shape Shifting, Berit-Mecha, The Docter

Class Schedules, etc & Rooms, Classes

I will be around always, so if you need anything I'll be glad to help!^^

(Updates Every Monday)


walking around the school,Neo was drawing a map on a peace of paper,so that he would not get lost (he usualy gets lost),he continues walking around.

Neo:This place is so big! i hope everyone is nice,mmmm.I hope my roomate is nice.I'd prefer to be friends with my roomate.Maybe he's at the room now! I might be able to talk to him,and maybe we could become friends!

Neo began walking back to the room,then it began to rain,Neo ran inside,
he looked at his map,but it got wet.

Neo:oh no! *looks around* I'm lost again!
oh! excuse me!
He asked a girl who was walking by.
Neo:i'm lost,do you know how to get to the building i stay at? uh,i'm human.
Shimei:that way.*points the way*
Neo:thank you! oh,i'm Neo Dimetrinn!
Shimei:I'm Shimei Aoitsuki.
Neo:How are you? *smile*
Shimei:i'm fine,i must leave now.Good bye.*walks away*
Neo:eh...thank you!

He begins walking towards the direction he was told to go.
He finaly arrives at his room.He takes his keys out of his pocket and opens the door.he sees that his roomate Ocean Tide was present.

Neo:Hello.I'm Neo Dimetrinn,you must be Ocean Tide,right? ........
he's asleep?

He said to himself.

Neo:I'll just wait 'till he wakes up.

Neo,as quite as a mouse,places his book on his bed.he looks outside.

Neo:The rain stopped.

he grabs a little peace of paper,and wrote a message,

Hello,I hope we get to talk later and become friends,have a nice day! :D
you're room mate,Neo Dimetrinn

He places the message next to Ocean,and leaves the room.
he then sits outside and watches the clouds slowly pass by.


Sorry i took so very long to post this,nyu!
'tis very short,but i hope i did fine,nyu. :3
I am not very good at starting stories,nyu! >_<

Room mate?

We talked and laughed together for some time. Shimei, Shori and I...I haven't been that happy for some time really. But it was time to get everything ready for school.

"Well it was fun."

"Awww. Your leaving already?" Shori stoped me.

"Yeah. But I'll be back later. Key?" I said rising my hand as to say good bye.

"Come back soon Clovis! Bye." Shemei said then sat next to Shori.

"Later." then said Shori as he placed his hand around Shemei.

I lift the room then headed towards the main school. then walked up to the administration office. The women was o the the phone and facing the other way. I waited a bit but got tired of it. I finally got the women's attention after almost having to climb on the desk.

"Oh, I'm sorry. May I help you dear?"

"Yes you may. I need my class schedule and ALSO my room assignment as well." I sad with my arms on the desk.

"One moment please." She then got up and tried looking for it.

I looked around waiting for her. Not many people seemed to be around... I then remembered that I hadn't given the women my name yet, and just as I was about to say my name I looked back at her and she already had my papers in front of me.

"There you got my dear." She smiled

"oh...uh...Thank you." I said as I slowly took them.

"How did she do that?" I wondered, then looked at my room number. My room was number 001, and My room mate was a man named James. I never meet anyone here named James. "Hopefully he we could be friends." I thought.

Anguish to see my room I run start to it. But when I opened the door to my new room I was shocked to see how small it was. I was sleeping on the couch the last few days and was hoping to have a nice room. But no...I throw my things o the floor and let myself fall on my bed. And closed my eyes for a bit.

Suddenly I hear some one slam the door open. I slowly turned to see who it was.

"Are you Clovis?" He said

"Yeah. You most be James, right?"

Oh darn... I'll have to leave it at that.
Please continue Kill Sasuke!

Biding Time...

Ocean trudged to his room with sleep still wound around his head. He thought about Skys' face this morning and how good it felt again to see him. It had only been a few weeks since Sky left to check out this new school that he wanted me to join. He was always storming the battle front to quench the flame of war when all I wanted was just to walk by his side...

Ocean sighed and pulled out his keys from his pocket. They jingled as he opened the door and Ocean froze when he looked up. One eye went wide and the other seemed to stay in place with an almost shocked and confused question across his face. *O_o anime moment* There was someone else's stuff in his room...


Ocean thought that with such small rooms that there would only be one person to the room. He was sadly mistaken.

Ocean knew he had only a few hours until the human classes started. He did a 180 in the door way and raced down to the main hall to check over the rosters again. He knew that the first time he'd read over them they were incomplete... guess more students had arrived since then. Ocean also checked over the list of his classes to come. He rolled his eyes and trudged back to his room, loosing himself in a day dream.

Ocean was often lost in thought and day dreamed even when walking. Which he sometimes ended up in accidents because his attention was definitely not where he was walking. Sky kept a constant eye on him and watched over him more than Ocean had realized, until now.

After the chaos of Ocean's family... it was hard for him to imagine being without Sky even for a second. Now, he was having to deal with being by himself at times and it had been very hard. Having a roommate that wasn't Sky was going to be difficult as well. Ocean would have to either get used to the fact that there was someone else in the room or he could take a leap of faith, maybe, and get along with this 'Neo Dimetrinn'. Or not...

Ocean's emotions towards others have become even more rocky than they were before. Thus, his name being perfect for the way he acted. He used to be such a kind and caring boy.. but after the abuse he had endured he felt as though he never wanted to take the chance of getting into another situation like that ever again. He trusted Sky, Sky was always there for him and sometimes Ocean wondered how Sky even knew. Sky was his world and he was happy. Even if the only person in Oceans life was Sky than he would never care about anything else.

Ocean unlocked the door and gave it a kick. He walked through and plopped down on his side of the tiny room where the small mattress was still a strew with blankets. He knew he'd better fix that up or Sky would complain in that ever so nice way... and he knew that if he didn't do it Sky would do more than complain. Ocean almost hated that Sky was so nice to him. It almost felt wrong... but it made him feel special... like he was the only one who was ever treated this way by Sky.

So, Ocean made his sheets up in a haphazardly fashion and sat back down on them. With his teal Gameboy in hand and the ear buds to his iPod plugged in Ocean wasted time until classes were to start.


The crash awakened me from my daze. I looked around and listened as the noise from the classroom increased to an ungodly noise....
Seeing as i considered it of no conciquence to me i continued walking. The sun was intensly bright and i needed to get out of the sun. I the trudge towards my room. Angels past on their way to their lessons, humans rushed past to their dorms in order to get chaged for their lessons. I however saw no deamons or vampires. My clan was shut away, i could just feel it. The OREAD clan was one that liked the mountains, the cool, the dark.

I entered my room, still barren of a room mate and sat laied down on one of the beds. Icould feel the heat from my burnt legs and reached for a soothing cream to put on them. As i put on the cream Sebastian entered.

"Cousin, i am sorry to intrude."
"No, no, you haven't intruded. Please sit." i gestured toward the bed beside me.
"I have resently found out, that you are in the wrong room."
"Oh well, it cannot be avoided."
"You are to change and be relocated into room 001 with another vampire named," he looked through the sruched papers in his hand,"Shimei Aoitsuki" he looked back up at me.
"Understood Cousin. Would you mind helping me relocate my luggage?" i asked. He merly smiled and grabbed all of my luggage.
"Cousin i asked you to HELP not DO."
"I will do as i wish cousin." he walked off and lead the way to my room.
I opened the door to my new room and saw my new roommate.

"YOU" i said my eyes narrowing, a gentle growl in the back of my throat.


Entering the office i heard a small rucus but my attention was focused on more important things. I walked to the desk of the administration officer and patiently waited. Fixing my tie, and adjustin my cuffs i looked at her with all of my attention.

"How can i help you dear? Are you looking for your room assignmnet... or is it your timetable"
"ahhh, both...." she began busying herself to find the apporopriate paperwork, "I am also here to inquire to the office whereabouts of Mr Roku."
"Why would you be wanting to see him?"
"I was wondering about changing classes..."
"You can't change inter-race classes unless you special permission or the authorization of Able.... I am sorry my vampire dear, but you can not change classes. Rules are rules." i hissed to myself and walked off. Crunshing the papers in my hand i hurried off to the dorms. I took a quick glance of the papers and found Jezabelle was in the wrong room.... I went to her door and entered.
I crashed into the desks of a classroom. My legs went sprawling and i fell head over heels. As i got to my feet again just in time to see a man come at me with full speed. His face centimeters from mine. I smelled the presence of deamon? NO werewolf. I swalloed and continued looking up into his eyes.

"I sure hope you have more skill than that in class, after all...if you can't see a desk lying in PLAIN SIGHT...how can you dodge a punch coming at you FULL SPEED" I waited until he finished talking then slowly got up, a smirk gradually spreading across my face.

"Don't you worry about that sir." i saw the angels coming into the room and i began to walk towards the door. "AH, you MIGHT want to worry about the OREAD clan kids.... TRUST me, you don't want to see them when their pushed too far."

I continued lookin at him and waited for him to answer but he just turned to his class as they entered and began his class. I smirked and left throuh the door i had just crashed through. A young little angel walked past me and i hissed at her. She let out a little squeal and ran into the classroom her books clutched close to her pettiet chest. Smiling i lef to my room... It was about time i actually entered my room and met my room mate... who knows... he might ACTAULLY be interesting... Hopefully he wouldn't be like OTHER purebloods i know.... who knows he might not have a stick up his ass.

Jezabelle, Sebastian and James..
Please continue...
MEI and CLOVIS... or of course BRENIN can call James back into his class if you so desire.
Otherwise, AGAIN SORRY for the long post!!

The Apperance

Rai walked into the gates of Hano calmly but happily. This was his chance to unlock everything, and it had presented him so nicely in front of him. As he stepped into the school ground, Rai took in the explosion of magical energy around him. It was like a current of energy running through him.

"Feels good," he smiled.

As he walked into Hano, he read a message board that gave names and room numbers. Rai scanned for his name and found it next to another name. So I'm sharing..... Rai started. Heh that's cool.....

Rai walked up the dorm stairs and into the room that was to be his. As he opened the door, he noticed another boy already in the room sprawled out on a bed reading a tiny black book.

"Sup?" Rai asked.

The boy just looked up at him and down at the book.

"So you're the other guy I'm sharing this room with," Rai tried breaking the ice but found that there was too much of it. The other boy just continued reading with a sort of lack of interest expression.

"My name's Rai," Rai tried again. "What's yours?"

"Does it matter?" the other boy answered.

"Um...." Rai answered.

"My name is Eliot," the boy said as he flipped a page in the black book. "I'm from England and I came here to graduate with honors in in alchemy and necromancy."

"Wow you already know where you're headed," Rai started happily. "So then do you know a lot about those two subject already then?"

"No," was the answer.

"Hu?" Rai started.

"I didn't even believe they existed two weeks ago," Eliot stated as he turned yet another page. "But it seems I was proven wrong. So I studied up on it and read a few hundred books. I think I have a clear understanding of all magical creatures at this point in time. The reason I decided on those two subjects because they seem the hardest"

Rai's mouth twitched for a moment.

"Were you raised in magic in anyways?" Rai asked confused just as to how Eliot had managed to get in Hano with that kind of attitude.

"Nope," Eliot answered without looking up from the book. "Not in the least. The only reason I am here now is because of certain circumstances regarding my parents."

"Ah......." Rai answered trying not to step on any toes in this talk. "I'm from Ireland, and I grew up surrounded by magic and things....if you ever need help with anything just as-"

"I don't need help," Eliot answered sharply. "I can always consult a book."

"Ah well hahah," Rai answered. "Ok then.....so when does class start?"

"In a couple of hours," Eliot said looking at his watch.

Rai caught a glimpse of the watch for a moment.

"Nice watch.....haven't seen anything quite like it....where did ya get it?" he asked.

Eliot didn't answer, and instead, he pushed himself off his bed and put the book in his bag.

"No where," he answered. "It's just a watch. Anyways please stop talking and let me study."

Rai tried to smile but fell silent. "Ok then," he answered.

Rai walked over to his bed and set his things down. As the shadows crisscrossed on the bed, Rai smiled.

"Hello Shadow...." he said quietly.

The shadow didn't reply, but it made a slight nod. Rai laughed and looked out the window at the rest of the Hano buildings silently.

This will be an interesting year..... Rai thought to himself. Wonder if everyone will survive it.


Holy snaps I posted @_@;