Hello and welcome to Hano academy!

I am headmasterAble Rutherford The VI.
And I am proud to say that Hano academy is back in business, and classes will be gain soon!

Hano academy is a school for Humans, Vampires, Angels and Demons.
Those that join now will be giving 500$.

That money is for what ever you wish or need for you rooms, missions, extra classes, Field trips and such.
But of course you are giving those thing depending on your status with out using any of your money too.^^

Mission are events that must be taken care of.
There not to be taken lightly! The higher status you Obtain the harder your missions will be.^^

But not all mission are for ever one. As I said before, this school is for Humans. Vampires, Angels and Demons.
Even so if you truly wish to go on a certain mission that is not for your race, you may make a request and the teachers and I will over look it.-_^
Field trip are for all that wish to come and have a good time! Hopefully...
Some are payed for and some you will have to pay.

Now for your rooms, I am sorry to say but do to my horrid writing there....Well.... Rather tiny...So tiny that I don't now how I will make you all get room mates!...So please don't get mad at your room mate for steeping on your bed to leave the room.... But! If you two save enough money you may be able to get a bigger room. It is 3.050$. Boy, those constrain workers are so pricey! And again, if your status is high I will pay one for you. Let's just hope I don't lose my wallet again or flush it down the toilet....

Money is untanned by missions.
There are other ways of obtaining it but you'll just have to figure out...

Members~ Name- Level- Money

Darkittylove-Clovis .V. Seliongrave

Support Kira -Shimei Aoitsuki/Raphael et Sinclair-35 (1.000)
Sacred Moon
Macaiah-Miruki Iroku2-(1.000)
Black kitty doll-Neo Dimetrin-1(1.000)
SojiRem Eliot Hackheart-7 (1.000)
Kill Sasuke -Jezabelle Oread-38 (1.000)
AtticusPersona -Shori Benitsuki/Brenin-7 (1.000)
Elix3r-Skylar Dreylah-10 (1.000)
Duo Maxwell02-Ocean Tide-3 (1.000)
cheriblosomchibi-Meridan Uzuke-12 (1.000)
Dark Smile-Makoto Megami- 7 (500)
Ancient One-Rei Kiba-8 (500)
Shin Shadow-Shadow Daemon-1(500)
Kawaiihoneybunny0-Fuwa Fuwa Tsuroiro-1(500)
Wolfdemonchild9 -Sammie Hikari 1-(500)
Sumirechan-Aura Nightshade2-(500)
Junkodeer- (500)

Teachers for your use~
Grim Reaper-Magic, Valla Valkyrie-PE,Flyt,assist weaponry, Hana Flor-Cook, Summoning, Roku Shinigami-Shape Shifting, Berit-Mecha, The Docter

Class Schedules, etc & Rooms, Classes

I will be around always, so if you need anything I'll be glad to help!^^

(Updates Every Monday)

Rei's arrival

Hano Academy a prestigous school for either the socially inclined, those highly gifted in intellegence, or those with powere and money.I was going to be attending this school now due to my grades.I felt sick just thinking about it.Why was I stuck in a place where no one had any idea of whatthe difference was between good and evil.

" Well Mr. Kiba I am sure that you will enjoy attending Hano Academy."said the headmaster,"I just know you will fit right in."

Headmaster Rutherford had been the one who had requested that I attend here in the first place.He was a kind man on the outside but I knew on the inside he was just like all the others that thought they knew me.Corrupt, arrogant, dark, money-hungry.And that was just to name a few of the traits I saw in people.

To better shed light on who i am why don't I start at the beginning.My name is Rei Kiba.I am ahumble neko who was born and raised in the Neko valley hidden deep within Japan.As I grew I learned more and more about the world around me.When I was 5 years old I learned something that I knew would haunt me forever.One day I was playing in the fields and it was getting dark so I decided to go home.The first odd thing I noticed is that usually I went home before the night started to approach since mother always came to get me.Today though she didn't come.I had figured she was busy tending to my little sister so I decided I would go home alone today.The next thing that startled me was the sudden smell of smoke coming from the dirction I was headed.I fealt a shiver of fear inside me and rushed home.Finally i came upon it.The one scene that would scar me for life.My home had went up in flames and there was no sign of my family anywhere.I tryed to get the village to help but no one dared to try.I was forced to watch my family burn to death right before my eyes.At the funeral I wore no emotion because of the pain in my heart.

Since that day I have started to look further than the outside of a person so that I could know what they were really like.

"Class we have a new student joining us from Japan."said the teacher,"So I want you all to make him feel welcome."

"Okay."said the class.

"Okay Mr. Kiba you may enter."said the teacher.

"Very well."I said entering.

As I walked closer to the chalk board I could hear them talking about me already.I just ignored them and continued on.

"Introduce yourself."said the teacher.

"I would prefer no to,"I answered,"But if they must know then my name is Rei Kiba and that is all I will say."

At that the talking began to turn into insults about my rudeness.I didn't care and din't think they deserved to know anything else.

"Okay why don't you take a seat by Mr. Iroku." said the teacher pointing towards an empty desk beside a young demon male.

"Whatever."I said as I walked to my seat.

On my way someone tried to trip me up but I was able to keep my balance.It somehow astonished the woman of the class though.Not like I care.Soon the bell rang for the next class so I gathered my things.

"Hi my name is Miruki Iroku."said the demon beside me,"Want me to show you around?"

"No thanks."I said without looking at him.

"Why not?"he asked.

"Because I don't creatures like you or anyone else in this school so just stay away from me."I said exiting the class.

"But I wann be your friend."he said.

I stopped and turned around to look at him.

"I don't need friends in this school."I said,"I'm better of on my own."

"Okay then see you at lunch."he said with a confused look on his face.

"I hope not."I said walking away.

Well that was it I was now attending one of the worst places in the world,Hano Academy.My life just got a whole lot worse and it didn't look any better.

Me:My apologies to evryone mentioned in this post but this is just how Rei views the world
Rei:Darn right.
Me:Rei be nice.
Rei: make me
Me:See you guys next time

Todays Lecture Class..."Your Past Creates Your Future!"

I was lecturing my class...just as i was my last one...why you may ask...cause angels are fragile...

This class and last class started with the same questions "Brenin-Sensei i heard last class focused more on actual physical attacking why are you just lecturing us?"

I would sigh and just say "because you all are so far below titles like beginner and novice that i have to start simple!" and of course i just got insulted looks and looks that screamed "How would you know" and every class since then i had said the same thing. "If one of you can break a desk with a punch then i will start with the real lessons" and every class thus far...not a single one could...

I was beginning to loss faith in this school and these class's.

I just talked. and talked...and talked..tried to relate decent battle experience to words... but its so hard to. almost impossible but the in class assignments was lectures and notes...the homework is also simple...come to class prepared to have swollen knuckles.

So i just talked so some more...i related stories about my youth and about how it is to start fighting for like at the simple age of 8...i yapped...thats the only word to describe it...insanely bored...just talking about fighting...

Then i smelled it...i could smell his scent, its hard to forget the smell of a such a young lad whose hands are too stained with blood.

I cut myself off in my lecture only to confuse the class with my next sentence

"So class its simple in fights there is only those standing and those bleeding there are exceptions to this rule being mainly...*sniff sniff* Well class, get ready for a small treat...those in front my want to go to the back of the room, and i expect you all to take damn good notes...oh and you all on that side close the windows for our guest"

I looked over, and low and behold...there he was...standing there, shocked, a look on his face like he knew what to expect, i wasn't surprised...i spent ten years of my life training with this boy then training him...oh and his little princess too.

I walked over to him...

"Shori! Buddy! Pal! Amigo! how the hell are you its been what a year or so since i saw you last..."
"I belive so, i may be mistaken how ever..." he said with a smile walking towards me spinning his umbrella

We meet in the middle of the class he was spinning his umbrella towards the class.

"I hope you haven't forgotten what i have taught you, any of it" i said smirking
"How could i, may i state as well that i hope the time apart hasn't made you forget of what i have taught you" he said smiling
"Like you can teach me anything..." I said smiling

He moved his umbrella to be above his shoulder to show the class what was behind it, and what it was blocking from their sightes, his hand held one of my fists, and my shin blocked his knee...just like old times.

"You never give it a rest, do you?" he said looking at me
"Why should I?" i asked
"Because, i have a hard time believing all your friends say "Hi!" by attempting to punch each other in the faces." He said laughing
"Well, you may find it hard to believe but what makes you think i have friends who dont see the punch coming at this point" I said with a smile.

I flipped my fist and put my other hand to his wrist and used my leg to support a throw over my shoulder, with ease i flipped him over to the ground, he always was a light fellow. But, he had grabbed a hold of my hand as i flipped him only to support himself and land with his feet on the ground, he rolled back flipped over did a back handspring on to a desk, and sat there.
He looked at the angel who occupied the desk...
"Boo!" he said, the angel just leaned back, and got out of his char to join the others in the back of the class.

"So Brenin, whats on the agenda for the first day of class..." he asked crossing his legs.
"Simple, Break a desk with a punch, but alas, no one in three separate classes could do it..." I said...
Shori looked over at a empt desk...knocked on it as though you would a door...
"These desks are flimsy..." he said as the desk started to crack in half from his simple knock.
"Thats what i thought!" i said as i put my fingers to a desk to apply a small amount of force...i could hear the desk breaking and cracking under what felt like no pressure being applied.

"So...Brenin, may i ask why you are here?" Shori asked...
I laughed..."Of course not." i stated, he knew already he just wanted to hear me say it and there was no way i would allow a class of strangers to know the ties between my clan and the Benitsuki Vampire line.

Both of us knew why the other was in this forsaken academy...The prestigious Benitsuki....exiled from london for what they have done...My clan of werewolves...now dominating almost all of london with no to little opposition from other wolf clans...the difference between us how ever...I could go back if i wanted...

"Memories..." I said...
"They feed this Disease" Shori echoed...both of us pointing to our heads

We both remembered, we both knew what terror was we both experienced the night that london forgot, but every creature that wasn't deemed "human" wouldn't have the pleasure of forgetting...

I remembered the night that Shori had decided to stay with me untill we both thought we were unbeatable in the art form known as fighting...we spent every day training...we spent so much time fighting...ourselves, others, and those were thought as unbeatable...of course then i was younger, and a developing werewolf...Shori was a warrior already, not my fault he had a 60 year head start on me he was strong, i was awed by his strength at the time, he trained me, i learned from him. For the first 3 or 4 years any way... then we had become even...strength, speed, all of it, we were perfect matches...then we drove ourselves...we became stronger by the day, picking fights with people who looked strong...entering tournaments that were deemed "fights to the death"...they never were for us...we started eliminating all the opposition we could...then as we got older..my natural abilities as a werewolf began to truly develop...i became faster then any one...including Shori, i became stronger then anyone, including Shori...my abilities increased every skill i had by ten fold... he knew it...and so did I. He always vowed to overcome my strength...when we both know EXACTLY how he can do it.in a single night if he wanted...but his damn pride wouldnt ever let him. But who knows maybe that day will come...it nearly did over a year ago...

The night of London's greatest unknown war...i will always remember it.

We sat there for a little while...reminiscing about older times for a brief minute. Then i decided it was time for class to start.

so politely i asked shori to leave
"Yo shori...get the hell out...ill kick your ass in class..." he laughed...got up, took up his umbrella...turned and looked at the class...
"Angels...you need to adapt quickly...otherwise you wont survive this so called "teacher" i have seen him literally rip out his other "students" throats..." he said snickering...

I laughed "Oh Yea...i remember him he did grow strong though..." i sat there reminiscing

"He did become one of my three best friends...as well as the strongest besides me of the clan..." i thought to myself...remembering the day his name was forgotten amongst us...and the day he became known as "RattleSnake"... The day i went to the small village he vowed to destroy because of what they took from him...only to find blood strewn across every wall...and he was sitting on a roof looking at the sunset.
"How was the massacre?" i asked...he looked at me with a smug smile of satisfaction on his face. and pointed to a wall...There was the poem written in blood,not just any blood his blood...

"There was a man from way back west.
Desperado fears me.
He took 12 shots straight to the chest.
At night this town remains awake
For they keep their eyes wide open
In terror of the RattleSnake."

He left the women and children alive, he wasn't a monster, he just wanted his revenge...i looked at his chest...12 silver bullet wounds...and he sat there smiling...that was the day i adopted him into my top ranks.

"They wont last Brenin" Shori said leaving bringing me back to my classroom

Shori turned around "Brenin, i swear to what ever god exists, if you so much as touch Shimei however...i cant be held accountable for what i do"

"Your Princess will be fine i promise" i laughed remembering the little girl with the cat ears.

Shori turned around and punched a desk and broke into a decent amount of small peices

I turned my head "Why such a light punch?"

He left...


A Small Dream of the Past-And Waiting...

I listened very closely to the sound of Shori's breathing...it never changed. He was lying beside me with no intention of finding rest...and yet...all I could do was grip on to his shirt with all my might...as slowly sleep took me. I was drug against my will...into the black abyss of sleep.

-I was playing the piano, my mother had insisted. One of the rare occurrences where she was actually home. Her and father were always gone...but no...this time they were having one of their grand gatherings, to celebrate a successful business venture in one way or another. This was the only time they would pay attention to me...to show me off to their friends and colleagues for my "musical gift". I almost began to hate playing...almost....

I finished the song, and standing politely I bowed to all those who looked on at me. Ignoring them as they all whispered words of silent praise and expectations, I retreated as I usually did out to the flower garden, I found a batch of moon flowers...just about to bloom under the full moon that night. I watched in awe...as always. Each birth of the flowers was special to me...they intrigued me immensely. So much so...I hadn't even heard him approach.

"Your music is really beautiful...I would really like to hear you play again sometime..."

I turned in disgust. "Yeah well...tou-!" I stopped. He was smiling at me gently...and more importantly, around my age. I'd never seen him before in my life. "Wait...who are you? There's never anyone my own age...I'm always alone...always..."

At this he came closer. "Well, how about this...if you promise to play for me again...I'll never leave you alone..."

I had looked up at him in utter shock and disbelief. Never in my life had anyone said such a thing...I opened my mouth to speak...and then I jolted up in my bed.

"SHORI!" I screamed. As I thought, he was gone. I heard a bell chime, and desperately I searched for the current time. The sun was still up...only now slowly beginning it's descent. Still quite awhile from sunset though. If I recalled...the first class was music. Just about sunset...at 5 o'clock or something.

I didn't know what to do now...should I go after Shori...no...I had to let him do what he needed to do. I couldn't interfere. No matter how badly I wanted to...

Rolling over, I lay there in Shori's bed...just waiting for him to come back to me. Waiting with as much patience as I could possibly muster...


Okay, so I doubt Shimei will be able to wait TOO LONG...you know how her curiosity kills her. LOL But perhaps Shori will be back before she heads out in search of him. XD

Look what we have here...

I waited, and waited, and waited, then it happened...Shimei finally fell asleep...i think it was the fact that i pretended to sleep that made her feel comfortable...

i laid there..her hand clutched to my shirt, i sighed. I knew she wasnt about to let me forget about this any time soon...i slowly removed her hand from my shirt. Sat up and turned over, leaned over to put on my shoes.

"I am either going to regret this...or this will make this whole academy experience much much better...and more frightening knowing him...if it is him" i thought to myself while tying my shoes...

I started walking out the door, thinking of my past...all the times we trained together...all the lessons he had taught me...everyhting i had taught him his words always echoed in my mind when i was in a fight, they had always helped me, even though i always told him his words were just trash, and i know i taught him some things as well, using special techniques only my family knows against him only to watch him fight and manage to win because of my technique. But thats how we were...we hated eachother and we showed it, we made sure the other one knew that he was looked down on, but in the end he is the reason i know i am alive today.

I grabbed a umbrella as i was getting ready to walk out the door...only to look back...turned around..and kiss my darling Shimei on her forehead
"Dont worry my beloved, i promise i will come back to you."

I walked down the hall, proceeding to the number one place i thought he would be if he was here, but alas the area that was dubbed the "arena"

I sighed as there was nothing here how ever i did manage to catch a glimpse out a window of a person with red hair jumping at a small group of human girls. "tsh...no reason to make such a entrance so early...give people time to guess about you good sir..." i thought to my self...

Then again as i walked out the arena i realized that anyone who saw me playing "tag" with Sheimei probably had a wrong idea of me as well...

"This school is full of interesting characters"

I walked throughout all the halls, i had to, if i went outside, well, have you ever seen a sunburned vampire? There is a good reason to why the answer is no...

I walked...and walked ...and walked...

I sustained looks from angels in classes and humans walking around...and the occasional demon proudly walking around...

I had found a small group of angels, one with his hand bloodied, i noticed immediately cause of the smell...Angels blood...smells... disgustingly sweet in the worst way...i continued to walk...

"That damn werewolf...who does he think he is asking such unreasonable requests in the class..."Break the desk"...crazy bastard" he said walking by, my eyes opened...

"Where is this teacher!" i screamed

One of the angels told me of his class location...one of the other angels proceeded to taunt me "Hey what makes you think you can yell at us and make us give you answers?!"

I said nothing and proceeded to walk in the correct direction.

"Hey i am talking to you!"

I turned around saying nothing and spinning my umbrella in the window to my right and my left hand in my pocket "You are weak, dont try it." i said knowing full well what was about to happen

The Angel had proceeded to charge me.

I sighed and thought to myself " I promised Shimei i wouldn't do anything so..."

i moved my left foot slightly more to the left allowing my right foot to come up to meet his throat, i then curled my foot around his neck and slammed him down the the ground, but not with my force, just his weight, if i had done my force i would have snapped his neck, i have done his trick too many times...

He feel to the ground, as soon as he had started talking i just put my weight on the foot, and said " i hope i didnt break your precious wings, i am sure you need those..."

I said knowing full well that i had broken something in his body...i could feel and hear the snap, but i didnt care so i didnt listen carefully.

I walked off down the hall thinking "Its him, i know it now..."

I found the classroom the angel had told me...

I opened it...

There he was...standing leaning against his podium, my eyes got huge instantly my life flashed back to
a couple years back, when i still lived in london.

I stood there, in the pouring rain, in a dark forest...all the campfires put out...a legion of werewolves in front of me and a vampire here and there...from my clan and the occasional one who just wanted battle. I could hear Brenin over me standing on the top of a shed with 3 other werewolves who were always with him.

He screamed over all the werewolves cheering and clattering
"WE WILL NEVER SLEEP!" he screamed to them all, the three beside him and everyone of the wovles screamed back..."NO WE WILL NEVER REST!" he screamed again...they echoed back to him, i knew where i was...and what was about to happen, the night i was about to be in the middle of a war, the night i was prepared to say "i am going to die" i stood there drenched in water...my Sword and staff on my back...

In the middle of a riot of werewolves... in front of them all, just below Brenin, i started screaming with them, i knew what the night had in store for me ... we were ready...i screamed

"WE WILL NEVER SLEEP" Brenin screamed once more


"NO WE WILL NEVER REST" Brenin howled

"TILL WE ARE FUCKING DEAD" we howled back...

I snapped back to the present...i looked up...he was walking towards me...i already knew what was about to happen...


Name: Rei Kiba
Age:(Looks to be 16 but no ones his true age)
Race: Neko
Birthplace: Neko Valley hidden in Japan
Hair color:Long White with black tips
Eye color:Left(white)Right(black)

Relationships:None(His family passed away years ago)
Background:Not Much is known about Rei since he never really opens up to anyone other than that he transferred from a prestigious(forgive my spelling)school in Japan to attend Hano Academy.