
to my little blogging world.

I'm still having troubles with what to write in the intro so yeah.
This one is mostly based on my life I suppose but there are other thingys I write about. Anyway, hope you'll be amused, entertained or touched by my posts.

Enjoy your stay :)


Friday :3


So...it's Friday night and I've decided to write something about my day.
So woke up at 5:45 I overslept a bit but yeah...
I think I should mention that I feel sick the whole week but yestreday and today it was even worse..also i had P.E. class so muscle ache in my back n legs. I got a good grade tho :p
So, yesterday I studied sociology with a headache to answer today. So, I said i'll answer today and got up n my head ache took over. So I started to say what she asked me n got all confused and all n she was surprised that I know it so badly. i told her that I had a head ache so she said that I can answer next time. Was lucky.
Then I came into the bus, I felt sick. I sat on the stair cause there wereno free seats ofc n all..
Hmm when I came home I went to bed. Slept from 3:30 till 7 pm..
Was so awesome to sleep all day knowing that you have no schol duties tomorrow.
So when I woke up I hadlunch n all. Felt a bit sick after eating it.
Now its 9:30 pm n im having cake..sis made :3 hehe

Well, all in all my day sucked pretty well but at least I rested in the noon. I think I'll go to bed soon today too cause I still feel weak.

For you folks, I wish you a great day/night.


Tag tag tag..I wasnt even tagged >.<

So.. Stole this from ray who didn't even tag me.. :( ;p
Anyway, lets do it. :3

This is majorly personal, ready?
I guess...

Do you still care about your last ex?

Does anything on your body hurt right now?
Legs, back n head... oh while I slept my tummy started to hurt like someone stabbed me..but it passed soon luckly.

Has anyone told you they loved you today?
Yeah..my bff :p

Do you like falling asleep listening to rain?
Yeah. It's really relaxing while you are in your comfy bed and about to sleep..

Ever been called babe/baby?
Yeah. :p

If you could go back in time and change things, would you?
Well some things for sure but I can't. Also the things I made in the past are making the kind of person I am now..so.. Idk really.

Do you like to cuddle?
Yeah. Especially when I'm sick. :p

Have you ever peed while on the phone?
I don't know.. I doubt. I am rarely on the phone. :p

You never know what you’ve got until you lose it. True or False?
Well It's true in a way. I think that people know what they have but don't apperciate it enough until it's gone.

Can you read other people’s expressions?
At times..depends how well I know the person.

Who was the last person you talked to in person?
Mom or dad.

If your parents didn’t like the person you were dating, would you end it?
No..If you end it 'cause a reason like that I wouldn't love that person.

What is your hair looking like right now?
Middle lenght and a bit messy. I just woke up..hehe :p

Are you nice to everyone?
Hmm no. Especially to the persons that annoy me. :p

Who are you thinking about right now?
Uhm..no one atm :p

Have your parents ever searched your room for personal belongings?
Yeah. Was annoying.

Name someone with brown eyes?
My bff.

You get on a bus, do you chose to sit on the left or the right?
Uhm..usually on the side where the sun isn't hitting me. But the side actually depends my mood.

Can you get over people easily?
No, not really. I still care about a lot people who I was good with..even if we arn't now.

Do you like your hair?
Uhme yeah. Well it makes me mad at times but still gotta love it. :p

What was the last thing you drank today? w

What are you doing today?
Be on and then go to bed again.

What are you wearing right now?
Shirt and track suit.

Is there anybody you wish you could be spending time with right now?
Yeah..but that isn't possible atm so.. :p

Have you ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms?
Nope. As much as I know at least. Maybe when I was little. :p

This time last year, can you remember who you liked?

Do you like to hold hands?
Yeah. :p

What are you doing tomorrow?
Resting all day. :p

Are you waiting for something?
Nope..Everyone left me ;___; :p

Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Not really.

Is it possible to be single and happy?
If your not in love, it is.

Who are you constantly with?
No one...

Do you want any children?
One day for sure.

What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
Before I went to bed... School was probably on my mind. :p

On a scale of 1-10 how good of a singer are you?
2... yeah and I'm in choir. Haha. :p

Do you know what you’re going to do with the rest of your life?

Are you older or younger then most of your friends?
Well..something in the middle.

Are you going to get hurt anytime soon by someone?
Sometimes. I act tough tho so not really ;)

Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?
I don't know... There are some nice n some bad moments. So yeah...

Is your life falling apart or coming together?
I don't know. I hope it's normal atm :p

Do you know who you’ll kiss next?

If you could, would you hookup with the last person you texted?
Uhm no..

What were you doing at 2AM last night?
Wa asleep. :p

Reason behind the last time you cried really hard?
Not telling ;)

What could you eat any day of the week & never get tired of?
Nothing.. After sometime everything becomes disgusting. Well..maybe chocolate. xD

Do you have any plans for the weekend?
Didn't I answer that? Resting. :p

What are you supposed to be doing right now?
Nothing... :p

When was the last time something bothered you?

Anything you’re looking forward to?
Uhm... sleep maybe.

Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home?
I prefear staying home. But going out at times is necesarry.

Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yes. Anyone hasn't?

Are you happier now than you were three months ago?
No idea...

Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around?
Yes.. :3

Was last night terrible?
Kinda... :p

Do you think anyone has feelings for you?

Do you have a tattoo?

Are you texting someone?
At the moment, no.

Would you prefer a baby girl or boy?
As long as it's healty...

Do you have a best friend that knows you inside and out?
I think..

Is there anyone who doesn’t like you?
Yeah. :p

I bet you miss somebody right now?
You would win that bet.

Do your feelings get hurt easily?
At times..i don't show it. Or try not to at least.

The boy/girl you truly care about needs you at 3am, would you go?

Do you think someone is thinking about you?
No idea..

Do you call any of your friends by their last name?

Is there someone you wish you were still close with?

How’s your heart lately?
Idk..beating atm :D

Will next Friday be a good one?
No idea. Can't predict the future. Or maybe I can?... No. Can't.

Has a boy/girl put their arm around you the past 5 days?
A girl yeah..haha :p

If someone liked you would you want them to tell you?

Do you miss your past?
Maybe childhood. No worries back then. :p

What was the first thing you thought this morning?
Couldn't think. Alarm shocked me. I jumped out of the bed. :s

Have you ever gotten a sunburn so bad it hurt to move?

What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today?
Getting home n sleep. XD

Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth?
Cry over the truth.

Do you trust people?
Only to close ones.

Your favorite number?
5, 7, 9.

Do you like anybody right now?
No. :p

Name some fears you have:
Hmm.. not getting into any collage. :s

Does the thought of marriage scare you?
No... Should it?

How many kids do you want?
2 mostly.

What’s your favorite season?

What’s your favorite color to wear?
Don't have one anymore..but I have a lot of blue stuff. (Thinks on her jeans. :p)

What’s something that someone can do that really bothers you?
Being mad at me for no reason.

Do you make a wish at 11:11?
Nope xD

When you go to the beach do you swim or lay out more?
Swim. Layout=boriiing.

Who’s the last text message you received from and what did it say?
A friend..asking me to come over.

Does the number 23 have any significance to you?

Be honest, do you like people in general?
No. xD

OmG! This took like forever. Nyeh. From now on only short tags. Hehe


Eating cake cause I'm a skinny bastard!


No..this isn't a mame. Maybe you didnt think it is ..well then I'm pwnd... But it sounds like one, to me at least. :p
It's what I do atm. Sis made a delicious cake and I'm eating it. And I love it.
I shouldnt tho..considering that a week ago i was on a diet... My diet lasted a full week. Am I awesome or what!?! xD
Anyway I decided to quit it cause I think I'm fine atm..and I was hungry since I would coem after 9 pm from school..and my parents cooked something and it was just too tasty to resist >.< Lol, I'm weak. xD

Hmm did I wanted to say something useful or interesting with this post? No, yet I feel like some inspiration to type it. :p

So..weekend is coming, I have survived school (for this week at least) ..I have to study now too and all >.<
Which reminds me..I was lazy the whole week! The only thing I did was reading my book ("Crime and punishment") which I should have read a week ago..Had no time last week. :p
Anyway it's an interesting yet very boring book. Like all those descriptions are tiring. Reminds me a bit on when I read "Lolita" xD
(Lolita post 1, Lolita post2..actually the realpost (see the title) )
And idk why I put the links... Anyway that book is kind of disturbing and I lost my point. What I wanted to say was That both have very long n tiring descriptions about the landscape (Lolita or interior (crime n punshment)

I remember when I asked where that book is and sister asked me why am I interested in russian realizm.. I said that I'm not..I just wanna to read that book cause it's quite sick. (Read a few pages by a friend :D)

Anyway, I'm getting sleepy now...and I ate the cake..so my inspiration for this post is going away.. :s
Guess I'll finish it here.
Well it's 11 so I'll go to bed soon too..
So night everyone. :)


From friends to lovers...

When friends get into a relationship I think the relationship can sucess n they can stay lovers for very long.. maybe even till end of their lifes..:p
But I dislike when it has to be 2 of my friends... Like a month ago or such my bff n a classmate started to date..and yes tehy were like really tight friends n all..and they r cute n everything but its hard to deal when 2 of your friends date..
Actually thats not the point..
Anyways now a few mins ago a friend told me to tell her something about my guy friend (whos awesome btw) n she says she has a crush on him.. >.< bleh :s
Its just annoying to see ur friends all lovely dovely
Yeah..i can be jealous too but I doubt that..I'm too awesome for it XD

Oh well..need to go to school now
Bye ppl


From friends to lovers...

When friends get into a relationship I think the relationship can sucess n they can stay lovers for very long.. maybe even till end of their lifes..:p
But I dislike when it has to be 2 of my friends... Like a month ago or such my bff n a classmate started to date..and yes tehy were like really tight friends n all..and they r cute n everything but its hard to deal when 2 of your friends date..
Actually thats not the point..
Anyways now a few mins ago a friend told me to tell her something about my guy friend (whos awesome btw) n she says she has a crush on him.. >.< bleh :s
Its just annoying to see ur friends all lovely dovely
Yeah..i can be jealous too but I doubt that..I'm too awesome for it XD

Oh well..need to go to school now
Bye ppl
