
to my little blogging world.

I'm still having troubles with what to write in the intro so yeah.
This one is mostly based on my life I suppose but there are other thingys I write about. Anyway, hope you'll be amused, entertained or touched by my posts.

Enjoy your stay :)


Internet... >.<

Okay..this is the 2nd time that I tried to load an anime ep and it failed... :(
I'm not sure is it cause of my slow internet or its a broken link..
It loads only the first 3-4 mins..so I guess it's the 2nd one.
Ahh I wish I had faster internet... this one is making me frustrated :((



Day 02

Day 02 - your least favorite song.

Well, I was thinking and this is the only one that came on my mind. It's not the song tho, the song is cheesy annd maybe even cute. It's the fact that he, Bruno Mars, is repulsive (to me at least..) and that the girl in the vid is perfect... Like, he could find an at least normal looking one... >.<

30 Day Song Challenge

Day 01 - your favorite song
This is war. Idk why but I love that song, it 1st came on my mind.

Baby disease


Well, I wanted to write some emotional post about.. oh well isnt so important n I'll probably do it tomorrow. The reason why I'll do it tomorrow is that today I'm too tired.
Today I found out that I have chicken-poxes. Yeah.. didn't believe it 1st but mom made me go to the emergency service (since it past 7 n my doc didnt work). So, mom drove me to the nearst emergency thing n there was no one. We were like wtf?! It said: Were in a house visit. No number or anything. Terrible. So we went to the other town n the doc there said that I have them. Another one got scared after mom mentioned chicken-pox 'cause he didn't had them. Was kind of silly. The doc who looked at me didn't have them either but she didn't almost run away. :p
Well they gave me some purple powder. I need to put a lil of it in the water when I take a bath so that it's light purple n it helps me so that it doesnt itch so much. >.<
Also sorry if the post is a little messy...I am just really tired. The trip to the emergency was exauhsting.
ahgdsja. Everything itches! >.< N my throat hurts too.. Nyeh -.-;

Anyway, it's late so I'm off to bed.
Night everyone ^^


Does it offend you, yeah?

A firend showed me that song n I think it's awesome..so...