
to my little blogging world.

I'm still having troubles with what to write in the intro so yeah.
This one is mostly based on my life I suppose but there are other thingys I write about. Anyway, hope you'll be amused, entertained or touched by my posts.

Enjoy your stay :)


Day 05

Day 05 - a song that reminds you of someone

The person knows... :p

Day 4

Day 4 - a song that makes you sad.

There are 2..or more, depends on the situation. I chose to put this one up.

Borrowing stuff + responsibility -.-;

Don't you hate when you borrow something someone and they dont bring it back on time, even though you told them that you need it?!?! -.-;

A few days ago, was Thursday I think, I borrowed a guy from here my chem book. He failed last halfyear and told me that he needs it to correct it. I asked how long because I have a test on Monday and he said only a day. So he should have bring it back on friday. I didn't go to school on friday, so dad drove me to his place on Saturday. He wasn't home, so his mother called him. He told me that he got the book with him so can't give it to me. He also told me that he will bring it to me on Sunday..early in the morning. I said ok.
It's sunday...5 pm and I still don't have my book. Why?! 'Cause that fag was too lazy to bringit back to me. I mean HE said that he will -.-;. There are such irresponsible idiots in this world.
Like when you borrow stuff from ppl you should bring them back on time...especially if they have mentioned (a few times) to you that that is important to them! -.-;
Oh...in the end my dad went to get the book 'cause I'm sick. So I got it but couldnt manage to do much after all. :s

Thats annoyed me so much. Mom told me I'm to nice..n dad complained that it's windy n he has to go now..-.-;

Seriously, don't you agree that its totaly irresponsible and stupid not to bring something u borrowed back..especially after you were remided so many times of it?! -.-
Bleh I'm annoyed.

Well thats all :3



Never say never

Lol, the song is hilarious :3

Day 03

Day 03- A song that makes you happy.
This song brings some memories to me, so I need to smile when I hear it ^^