
to my little blogging world.

I'm still having troubles with what to write in the intro so yeah.
This one is mostly based on my life I suppose but there are other thingys I write about. Anyway, hope you'll be amused, entertained or touched by my posts.

Enjoy your stay :)


One piece disaster

So today I woke up extra early to watch the new One piece episodes. I even put my alarm on to wake me up. >:(
Anyway, on saturday morning they always show episodes which were on during the week (when I was in scool and couldn't watch).
So I turned the TV on, started to watch and it showed old episodes... :(
I was like "What?! No! No! No! Oh well..." and watched on. Hehe can't help it. I like One piece so watching old episodes was okay.
And that's how I spend my morning. :3



So...I'm thinking about the friends I used to have. And when I think of each person I realize there is some different reason that were not friends anymore. To be honest I'm sad about some broken friendships but about some I'm really glad....

Hmm lets start with my 1st bff. I met her when I was 3 years old (maybe 4).. and she was my bff till the 5th or 6th grade. We are good now again but we are so different. When I think about it we always were. She is quite dominnt and I used to follow her. She was like a sister to me and would always protect me from people who were mean to me. After that what happend in the 6th (maybe 5th) grade we stopped talking. I didn't want to talk to her until a year back. So, as I said we are good again but grown so different that I don't like spending too much time with her now. Silly when you think how we used to spend every day together...
Another example is a girl i used to call a bff as well. Duh shes a real gossip girl. I always tought she was cool and pretty etc.. But now when I think back I realize how egoistic she was. E.g. when I had my leg broken 2 summers ago she would come to me and spend all day on the comp, internet, because she didn't have her own. And when we went out she would ignore me when a group of ppl would be there. I always ignored that and thought about her good stuff. I liked her 'cause she showed that shes a human 2-3 times (not to me tho). She even flirted with the boy I liked. Wow, I was stupid. Am I a bad person 'cause I'm writing about her like this? Can be... Oh well, I can't believe I called her my bff. I'm glad that we arn't that anymore. I guess when we started to go to high school we realized that we are different and grow distant...and she replaced me for a chick whos her puppy now (yeah..doesn't hurt at all). We almost have no contact (cept hi and that sometimes) and I'm glad that we don't.
AHh what those 2 girls have in common is that they are pretty shallow... They get upset about every gossip or spread it. They are quite good liars as well. I don't say that I'm holy but there should be a line.

Anyway to the friends I love and miss but don't talk.
In the period from the 5th till 8th class I met that girl and we got along pretty well. We used to sit together and we knew to argue a lot (once I ended up being asked 'cause we were arguing too loud :p) but we always made up and were well with each other. She came to me one Christmas and we couldn't do anything because I was really sick so played PS most of the time. That was fun. She moved to town where I go to school now. But we go in different schools andhave different school ships so I rarely see her because I have no time because of my bus and school. Well when I see her and we talk I see that shes as childish, loud and awesome as she always was. Got to love her. :)
Do you believe in girls-boys friendships? Friendships that are really close, open and deep. Like that you can tell the boy anything? I used to but don't anymore. Like everytime I got closer (closer as in sharing secrets and that stuff..friendship way) to someone male it ends our friendship. Too bad because some boys are really awesome and nice and good listeners. Better then girls..tho they can gossip better then girls sometimes as well. Sometimes I really wonder how every my 'ex' friend is and what are they doing..

Anyway after all my expirience (which wasn't a lot actually xD) I realized that it's good to have some distance with every person in your life because they come and leave and you get hurt as much as you open to them...Or they misuse your trust and tell everyone your secrets..
Also, I realized that nothing is forever so you should enjoy the moment.

So..since I already wrote this title I'll put the song I got it from here... Somehow I felt like putting it. It's actually silly how I found it but thats a different story..
This song reminds me of my both closest friends in school too ..so memorys <3

P.s. It's late now and I'm to sleepy to check the spelling mistakes. So tomorrow..

Night everyone and have sweet dreams ^^


Bunny time

This is actually comercial.. Easter should be all religios 'cause Jesus saved us etc...
Anyway I don't mind getting chocolate. Also a good thing about being comercial are the school holidays I have now. They arn't long but still enough to recover and relax a little.
After this holidays school life gets really tough 'cause we only have a month and a half before the year finishes and this time period is full of exams and askings (is that a word?), so it's really stresfull.
And that's the reason I'll enjoy this holidays (How many times did I say 'holiday' already?) as much as I can.

Oh well thats all for now and hope that everyone will enjoy this week.
Have a nice day ^^

External Image

"A doll's house"

"A doll's house", written by Henrik Ibsen (1879), is the book I had to read for school.
It's a 3 act play and a modern drama which shows the status of woman in the sociaty. Also it shows how important it is to find out who you are.
I like the end of the book a lot. It's interesting.
And I realized that I like realistic and naturalistic novels more then the books made in Romanticism.

Ohh, I almost forgot to say... It's named "A doll's house" because Nora (main character)was treated like a doll, a string puppet, by her husband and her father (before she got married). She had to listen, think and act how they wanted even if she didnt agree with them.

Oh well the book is quite short so if you get a chance read it.

Thats it.. :p


Best in class

Late Of The Pier - 'Best In The Class'

A friend put this on my MP4 and I really like it. The vid is a bit weird but enjoy the song. ^^