Yo ! My name is Nurul . You also can call me Miho ...
I love to share something about Otaku / Anime & Manga ..
I wanna a partner who can share their minds with me ..
I'm Malaysian and live in Perak ..
Arigatou gonzaimasu !!

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Difference between MEMBER and PARTNER

Yo .. Today I wanna discuss about these familiar terms among us . Many say that they are a same words and similar meanings , but actually there's a bit different between them . Ok , let me tell ...

Let's begin with PARTNER first . 'Partner' is used to refer the people whose already being our accompanies that who were same 'type' like us . Example of me; I have many partner in Facebook. All of them were Otaku - like me , and same vision like me . ^o^
Partner is a most common word used to describe the nearer person with us . As I told earlier , the partners are whose same genre like us . So , they must understanding us - in other word : Best friend.

MEMBER is a term used to describe the people that we're not familiar with .I would like to explain like this : the person that we're never talked with etc.
In other word , 'member' is similar like 'Acquaintance' .
However , we still can befriends with others . No matter they are a partner or member , they can deserve us with the best .

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Akatsubaki desho !!

so kirei ... daisuki wa !

Another of my art :D

I'm a beginner at here but I love to draw some kyara !! nyaaa ~~

bEinG aN oTakU

Yo !!
Today want to share my thoughts about the title above .

Otaku was a title gave to someone whose love anime . This name referring to the people whose love Japanese anime only . Even some of people said that anime and cartoon were a same things , but to the real anime lovers , they can see the different both of them . Usually , anime is more liked than cartoon .

Anime such as Dragon Ball , Detective Conan , Fairy Tail , Gintama , Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu and others already had their own otaku . Dragon Ball especially , was recorded as a top anime in USA also in worldwide . Mangaka such as Kishimoto Masashi , Oda Eiichiro and Kubo Tite also inspired by Dragon Ball anime in their manga until they achieve success like today .

It is believed that otaku also had in another ways , such as :

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    Otaku play an important roles in anime worlds . If they not existed , the legend anime such as Naruto would be never popular like in present .

  • Lucy

    An adorable Heartfilia ~
    Umm ! I love her ~