The Old Place

With regards to life and love, every once in a while I try to peek in here to see how things are going. I must admit, I'm a bit surprised that this place is still here. It's not that I lack faith in the mods, it's just been a very long time since I've been here.

So, for what ever reason, I've returned to see how my old house is. Plenty of cob webs. It looks like the door bell has been rung a few times. Sadly, I was not here to answer it's chime. I've noticed that I've stopped receiving mail here too. That's good, I guess. Just another thing to gather dust.
I've pulled back the canvas cover so carefully laid over my favorite chair. This is the one I used to sit at when I posted about life, and the pursuit of all things anime. I still watch anime. Even now my tastes haven't changed much. My passion for giant robots and their troubled, angst-y pilots still burns brightly. (cough..Gundam Unicorn..cough)

I can't believe this chair is still so cozy after all these years. So many good times gone away so quickly. Perhaps I should stay for just a bit. You know, clean up a bit and get things arranged the way they were. Maybe not exactly the way they were, but sorted and put away. Who knows, maybe some of my old neighbors might stop by and say hello. Sometimes we need a port in the storm to rest. After all, that's what this place was for me and many others so long ago.

I'll leave the light on. At least for now. Try to keep a moth or two toasty.
We'll see.


