Well today just flew by.

I still don't see how Rebecca is emo. At all. :I


Today went by rather quick, eh? Well, I was asleep for like, 14 hours. Guess I needed some damn sleep. I woke up around 5 or so. The time just flew right in front of me. I was supposed to spend the night with Krystal tonight, but guess not. She hasn't got on yet, and there's no way my mom's going to take me to her house at 9:30PM or over. So whatever. Tomorrow Sadie comes and spends the night!! I really can't wait.... I haven't hung out with her all summer!! >o< We've been talking more and more!! So gosh, I'm excited.

Hnnmmmmm. I'm thinking about finishing KuroShitsuji. Well the first season, anyways. I also need to get my ass on Vampire Knight Guilty!! RRRG.

I'm glad my mom cleaned out my ear with Peroxide, because it doesn't really hurt anymore!! Thank lord baby Jesus for that. I almost died from how much it hurt at like 2AM this morning, so that's why I went to bed. XD And slept for 14 hours.

Ahhhh I just remembered. I never finished Vladimir Tod either. I need to stop starting things and never finishing them!!
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