I underestimated supervillians with yellow minions that look like Pops.

July 22, 2010
Mood: Tired/Emo

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Dear Diary,

Yesterday I went and saw Despicable Me with Carolina. Sadly, it was in 2D. I dunno why. But I loved it!! It was soooo so cute!! I thought it was just going to be 'eh' but no, it was awesome!! IT'S SO FLUFFFFAAAYY!! 8D

Anyways.. I finally kind of figured out myself. There are four different me's. There's Shane, who is very egotistical and thinks he's the coolest ever, and he's bisexual with a preference for girls. Then Savage, an emo that can smile and loves Breaking Benjamin, and he's gay. Then there's the unnamed one that is so Uke-y and loves pink and pasta and cute things. And there's Savannah, which is myself, and is a mixture of all three. Lately I've been Savage. Woo. So wanna help me find a name for my uber uke? :3

Urgh I need sleep. Carolina and I keep staying up to watch Phineas and Ferb! I STILL haven't finished The World Ends with You, and I'm mad at Carolina for forgetting Professor Layton AGAIN, because I REALLY want to play it. If I don't get it tomorrow I might just leave. I'm supposed to go to the park with her and Wes tomorrow. I think I'll dress like how Savage would dress. I'm going to wear my Breaking Benjamin T-shirt and try to find my black and white arm glove thingy. See the picture on this post? That's kinda what Savage looks like. Also, he's 4' 11". XD Well I'm going to go and be emo look for my outfit for tomorrow and wait for my bitch mom to make dinner.

~ ~ The very tired and hungry, Savage.
