Very quiet

Know what I noticed the other day? It's way too quiet in here *rubs chin* And I wonder why. Nobody's here and when they are most of them aren't doin' anythin'. Grimmy-san stops by every once in a while so I've got no one to tease and make fun of, Ulquiorra-san is no fun, Starrk falls asleep through the whole thing, and as for the others I barely see 'em around (except the ladies, I don't make fun of 'em, except Kita-san from time to time *grins*). Since I was so bored I decided to do some researching for my Arrancar Encyclopedia. Found some pretty neat stuff *grins* some of which not so pleasant for the Espadas. Even found some of Aizen-san but shhhh! *looks around left and right then whispers* ya don't want me getting kicked out now would ya? *winks* Grimmy-san would love to have me kicked out though *ponders* too bad it ain't gonna happen *snickers* but he might if he pisses Kaname-san off *rubs palms* I don't like the situation, how can I exhibit my genius if there's no idio--I mean companion to humilia--I mean talk with? So after having a tea with Dyana (she makes an excellent tea, even Aizen-san likes it) I went around for a walk. Managed to put a little fear into the hearts of the unwary (good ol' fashion psychological torment *grins*). Being me is so much fun when ya have who to tease *grins* After playin' a bit of guitar (it's a western instrument for those idiots who don't have any idea) I went back to my research. I found a lot of interesting things *snickers* and the best one yet (well maybe not the best but it'll still give ya a laugh) is this:

And now I have to run cause I'm probably gonna get chased by Kitty-san for this *snickers* Bye Bye!
