Sexiest PGR Guys WIP modified

I drew in Lux this time X3 Sorry Iru-Sen for uploading before he was done =owo;= I felt pretty eager to get the progress up while I was still thinking about it X3 But now all three guys are set up and I'll move on to the lineart =3

Next up, gonna sketch the ladies' part X3 But can anyone guess what theme I'm going to use for that one? =eue= I'll give you a few hints:

1. They won't be wearing conventional clothing
2. It's rather steamy =eue=
3. It's a time for girl bonding =^_^=

Although someone's probably gonna get it pretty easily from those clues XD Although it's not what you're thinking, because that's such a stereotype for anime... c'mon people XD Lolz, alright, until next time =P
