I. Fucking. HATE. Scanners.

Title says it all. Mine, which I may add, was absolutely perfect when I first used it and all the times after until the last, oh, I don't know, three pictures? Yep. It was perfect. Good quality, picked up my details. Now? As. If. Fucking thing won't even finish the scan!!! I am two pictures behind, which since I don't draw near as much as I did before, is bad. Remember my mentioning 'Shadow'? My friend's RPC? Yep. Thing won't scan it. Nor will it scan the picture I finished about 30 minutes ago. I spent 2 hours drawing it, and 30 minutes coloring it, and tried to upload it. Nope. *high pitched speaky mechanized voice* 'I'm gonna be an ass and not scan it~~'. I want to drop kick the damn thing right now...

I do have a video for you though. Two actually. The first one is one I found and I like the song. The second one is one I made. Enjoy~.

Ikara-o-Kage --

Talon & Fang ---
