Broom Closet~


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So me and Eiri have been plotting in our little comment box adventures. >D LET US COMMENCE BROOM CLOSET MAKE OUT SCENES AWKWARDNESS!


While the others were freaking out over the new girl, I decided to peak around the room. Dang, it was nice. There was a potted plant in one corner of the room, obviously watered not to long ago judging by the fact that there were still little puddles of water in it, two good sized beds, a nice bathroom, plush carpeting... And this really nice lamp next to one of the beds on a wobbly looking stand.

Rei and Charles were getting heated over something, probably Charles calling him a furry again. As usual, Rei attempted to punch him, which culminated in cat boy just hurting his own hand. He took a step back... Right into the stand with the lamp.

I watched it fall in slow motion, and winced when I heard glass shatter. Rei looked at it like it was some alien invention, fallen from the sky. With a sigh, I walked over and looked at the mess closer. Yep, it was pretty sharp looking.

"Okay, no bare feet around here until this gets cleaned up. Rei, your coming with me to find a vacuum," I declared.

"What?! But, Charles-" he began to argue.

"Don't care. Let's go." I grabbed him by the shirt and led him out of the room. In the hall, I let him go, and he fell in step beside me. "Let see... Closet... Closet... Closet!" I found an unmarked door, which was standing open a bit. Opening it, the closet was dark, but a bit spacious. "Ugh, I can't see anything. Rei, come look for me." I took a step inside the closet and allowed him in to look around.

"Th-" he was just pointing to something, when suddenly the door was closed forcefully behind us. I was just about to turn the knob when there was a click. They'd locked the door!

"H-hey!" I yelled, banging on the door. Rei joined in witbOn the other side of the door, I could here muffled music and humming. It was one of those maids that liked to walk around with music players blaring.

Now I was suddenly aware of how small the space really was, and how extremely close Rei was next to me. I could feel his arm brushing mine, slightly radiating heat.

"W-well this is awkward..." I commented obviously. Seriously, my heart was beating so loud I'm pretty sure he could here it with those sensitive ears of his.

"Y-yeah." I could hear him, not really see him, except when he moved. Hopefully, he couldn't see me, because I could feel the heat in my cheeks. "Wait, there's a light above us. I think it has a pull..."

As he reached up, I was considering arguing, but my voice died in my throat when his hand accidentally brushed the side of my face. Oh god. Ohgodohgodohgod. My wings really wanted to flip in front of me and hide my face, but it was not happening in this itty bitty space. There was a click, and the light flickered a few times. In those flashes, I caught a glimpse of his face, and he looked just as flustered as I felt. The light held for a second, then burnt out.

"Damn..." he muttered under his breath. I wasn't sure why, but a small laugh escaped my lips. It might have been victorious because he wouldn't see my face, or embarrassed, or just me going insane. I could feel my claustrophobia rising, but I was trying to keep it under control, if no other reason than I didn't accidentally catch Rei in my crossfire.

"I-I should warn you," I began after a moment of awkward silence when I was trying to keep calm. "I'm claustrophobic." There was more silence as that hung in the air.

"Well, that sucks," he commented. I shifted awkwardly, brushing against his arm again. And about ten other items packed in around me. Everything was too close, and it felt like the space kept getting smaller... and smaller.

Outside the door was light footsteps. I grew hopeful, and started banging on the door.

"Hey! Someone out there! Help!" The footsteps didn't even slow down. And then I heard the same. Exact. Humming. It was the same maid, with her stupid music. "HEY! Let us out!" I yelled loudly. Rei was trying to get her attention as well. Still no response. And the footsteps faded past.

"Oh god... we're stuck here..." I whimpered.

"D-don't worry! Someone will come looking for us. Or someone else will walk by!" he tried to reassure me. Everything felt like it was closing in around me. My breath started to come out shakey and deep.

"I need to get out. Now." The words barely came out between gasps. My breathing was getting worse, and I could feel my hands shaking. It was like the time when I was little and I had to ride the elevator alone, and a bunch of people crowded in and trapped me in the corner. It was the longest elevator ride of my life, and I ended up making the people let me out a floor early. Rei was trying to help, I'll give him that. But I was about ready to lose it. I started banging on the door again. "Let me out!" I screamed.

And the next thing I knew, there was warm arms wrapping around me, and Rei had pulled me into his chest. I froze.

"It's ging to be alright!" I felt my tense muscles relax. Suddenly, I felt like a little girl again, crying to my dad. And I couldn't help it, but I just started to cry. Almost without thinking, I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his shirt.


D'awwwwwwe Tell me if I screwed up Rei~
