No More Sewer!!! X3


We were stuck at some bars. Chuckles asked me to use my blood to weaken them. I cut open an old wound and smeared some of my blood on them. When I felt my heart stutter and I almost blacked out I decided that was enough blood loss for tonight. didn't seem to make much of a difference. Everyone was too tired to break the bars.

Eventually K'Satri, Des, and Jasper fell asleep. When was the last time any of us had really slept? We'd all been on edge since the plant incident. Charles sat next to me, and attempted to make what I assume is his best try at polite conversation. But I was so sick of him calling me a furry. Stupid Chuckles the accurate one armed flying squirrel ninja ram...blah blah blah. I heard something and looked up fearful that it was those crazy STERN members. What I saw was our salvation! It was a Ram!

Chuckles didn't seem to like the change of conversation, but oh well. Knowing him I knew he wasn't letting it go. I woke the others and told them to be ready to fight. I was still concerned about Des. Glass was still in her wings. As soon as we were out I was gonna take a look at those.

I threw anything I could get at the Ram, and then smiled when it charged. I stepped way back and heard the crash as the walls crumbled and the Ram was upon us. I could care less about that though cause we were finally able to get out of the sewer!

~ Awes he's concerned about Des

Rei:....s..shut up. We're only as strong as our weakest member and she's useless if her wings r full of glass >//<

Me: -o- suuuuuure

