

Jasper had held me over his shoulder until we had gotten a good distance between us and the Stern. That was when I'd pushed myself off and started running along with the others. I wasn't going to be a burden. I could hear the Stern catching up, and my plan was to let them take me so the others could get away...that was when Seth decided to steal my idea.

I looked back and saw her pull out her guns. Were we really just gonna let her do that? I was huffing and puffing. My vision was going blurry, and it was p*ssing me off. I could hear gunshots, and everyone else seemed to stiffen at the sound. We knew what was going on back there, but no one wanted to say anything.

Luckily I wasn't bleeding anymore, but my mouth was riddled with acid holes, and my arm was pretty useless. I was starting to lag behind. Charles noticed and reached back to grab my good hand. "Move it furry!" I sighed...I didn't even have the strength for a comeback. "You look like sh*t wasn't the best idea to shoot yourself." I laughed. "I did it as an exit plan. I hadn't expected the other two members to show up so fast."

Des looked back. "You're techniques are too risky, and you do more harm than good when you injure yourself so badly. I wasn't saying anything to that. They didn't know what type of training I had gone through. I had different abilities than them. I was made to take heavy damage. I was used to burns and scars and gunshots. I'd been through worse. Charles was practically dragging me now. It made me want to laugh. "It won't matter where we go you know. We're gonna be wanted now. They think we're traitors. The Stern will follow us anywhere we go." No one said anything.


I took me a few minutes to sew my legs back on, but when I stood up I did a little skip and giggled. Glory and Nathan just sighed. "Are you quite ready yet S? Those two idiots have probably killed them all already." I glared at Glory. "You're no fun you know that. Lighten up...cut loose...AND STOP P*SSING ME OFF!" He just stared at me. I was a higher rank than he was, and he knew it. I knew it p*ssed him off. I couldn't wait for the day when he snapped and I got to play with him.

We started running to catch up to the others. My legs were working good. I only hopped they hadn't messed up my kitty boy too much. I wanted to play with him in the worst way. Especially now that he'd burned my legs off. Acid blood would be fun to mess with.

Fai and Ring-Around-The-Rosie were playing with one of the members we were supposed to get. I sighed and made a pouty face. She was one of the more normal ones. There was nothing really fun about her. Nathan licked his lips. He must be hungry. It would be fun to watch him eat her. He once let me dissect one of his hands in exchange for me letting him eat one of mine.

I sighed and gave little miss trigger happy a nice vision of us tearing her apart. She fell to the floor and started to scream. I sighed. "Someone want to get her? I'm going to follow the prey now." I stepped over her twitching body and continued skipping down the hall. I even started to whistle my little tune again.

~Lol I like Sally more and more.
