Roset Williams

One way over powered character, coming right up!

(Rank 5)

Username: Littlepooch

Full name: Roset Williams

Nickname: Rose, Rosie, whatever really, as long as she knows you're talking to her.

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Picture: External Image

City of Origin: Magnate

Genetic Modifications: Is able to ingest any substance. Body is made more resilient against damage. As a side effect, she has patches of scales.

Abilities/ Powers: (If you've read Fairy Tail at all, it's based off of a Dragon Slayer's power.) Any substance she ingests, she is able to use. These can be used to modify her own body, or shot at her enemies. She is resilient against most damage. Ingesting people allows her to heal and regenerate.

Weapons: None.

Hair: Long black hair and has two pigtails.

Clothing: Because she thinks it's hard to move in, she still just has normal cloths on. A dark pink turtle neck dress with a slit up the side. Cutesy looking lolita sleeves (they start at the elbows.) to hide her arms, black flats, and around her waist she has two leather straps that cross like a "X". On them are acids and useful metals she could use.

Other Physical Descriptions: All around her mouth are cuts, bruises, and burns. Many rows of teeth like a shark, and of course her long claws and the side effect of scales. And it may or may not have to do with her modifications, but she's very short, around 4 feet 8 inches actually. Also, she really likes piercings, she has snake bites (lip rings), eye brow (left side.), nose, two under her eye, and a barb in her right ear.

Personality: Playful, childish, stubborn, kind of greedy, never satisfied, a bit annoying, and a little too friendly (like, friendly as in your in my personal space go away, friendly.) hyper.

Skills: Eating and pretty good at hitting what she throws at.

Likes: Fighting, looking beautiful, and piercings.

Dislikes: Hand to hand combat (usually fights or backs up by distance.)

Family: Somewhere off in Magnate~

Friends: EVERYONE *shot*

Significant Other: I think she'll be forever alone..

Fears: Heights.

Back-story: When she was younger, she was actually really pretty, but was terribly shy. She wanted to make herself stand out more and be beautiful so that's why she has all those piercings. But with her luck of course, her arms where badly injured in a fight (this was before she knew of her "cannibalism" powers.) and during the surgery to fix them, they decided to upgrade them to be stronger. As a side effect, her arms are now scale-like. And when Jasper entered the military to train, he ended up training with her mostly because their powers were similar.

Other: Random fact! She was a OC for X-man XD *shot* I've been watching that too much. Oh, and the original Roset was used for a different rp by Pikmin-Chan. Stern Member (Rank 5)
