K'satri vaguely felt the turbulence as the train made its way over an old bridge. She'd been sleeping for a few hours and took a moment to crack her eyes open and let them adjust to the dim lighting in the car. She saw the others in various stages of sleep and wakefulness.

She let out a yawn and stretched, cracking her neck and feeling the strange peeling sensation in her neck that signaled her "gils" had flared out. 'Satri blinked away the rest of her grogginess and peered around at her companions. Jasper, Rei, Stephene, Charles, and Des. She smiled a bit, glad to be on a team that seemed to have a good set of people, even if they were a little dysfunctional.

'Satri also realized she'd decided to vote for Des to be the leader. The woman with the eagle wings seemed mature and capable.

Until the others were fully awake, K'satri stared out the window, undid her braid, and ran her fingers through her long hair. Already, she missed the plains of Service where she'd been raised. he couldn't see out the useless window, but she guessed they were nearing the city in the desert.

"Thinking about something?"

K'satri turned and saw Rei awake and watching.

"No, not really. Just wondering when we we'll be gettin there." She said a bit distantly. 'Satri still wash;t fully awake.

The soft voice of jasper interrupted the small conversation. "We should be there soon," He said. After making eye contact, however, he turned away, seeming to realize he'd socialized.

K'satri and Rei nodded. The blonde soldier took a moment to mentally prepare herself for the mission they had to carry out. Still fiddling with her hair, she heard the others start to chat. In just a few moments they'd decide who'd lead. And from there 'Satri had no idea.



i forgot to mention after satri's ability to breathe underwater and in toxic areas that it was because she had "gils" OTL sorry! they're where her neck meets her shoulder, three on each side. they are usually closed and not noticeable unless the air is bad or her mouth and nose can't get the breathing done on their own.

Also, just another random note, her braid goes down the side of her head, not the back ^^'
