K'satri Rambles

K'satri stared at the guy who just said she should lead the squad. She was just about to laugh out loud when the PA system interrupted. "blahblahblah3days" was all she heard. When the announcement ended, the six stared at one another in silence, K'satri waiting for someone to shoot down the nomination and the others waiting for someone else to make the first move.

When nobody did, K'satri said lightly, "Let's get a few things straight here guys...and gals. Just 'Satri is fine, Beins if you don't like being too comfy cozy, but non a that full name crap. Second, as much as I appreciate the nomination, Mr. Antroe, I think we should all get to know one another a bit before we go deciding important things like who's gon be leadin. We got three days, right? So, let's get cracking!" She turned to the nearest person. "Why don't you introduce yourself tootz." It was just like 'Satri to babble like a brook and be as forward as a chain email.

The man, Jasper, stared at her, not knowing what to say to the blonde-haired, over-confident, off-on-a-tangent soldier. After a few silent seconds and a snicker from one of the other girls, 'Satri raised her eyebrows and said, "I'll go first then. I already told ya my name. I'll tell ya that I'm from Service and that I like getting things done the right way - my way. But that don't mean I ain't good at followin' orders, y'know?

I like a good hearty meal and figuring things out," here she paused to tap her head and stare into everybody's eyes individually. "I might not be the sharpest tack in the pack, but I got street smarts and common sense. Oh, and if we ever have to cook for ourselves, it'd be wise to leave me out of it lest you all want a swift, painful death by mystery gourp."

'Satri, finished her long-winded introduction, took a deep breath and turned back to Jasper and raised and said unintentionally snottily, "That's how you make an introduction!" She put her hands on her hips and defiantly stared at the others. 'Satri's strong sense of, lets call it "self-respect" and her inability to notice when the time was right to just shut up were two of a myriad of reasons that she'd never had many friends. Others considered her much to difficult and just plain weird.

She wondered whether or not these new people would think the same. She wasn't sure what to expect from them, but she hoped her strange way of starting conversation hadn't turned them all off. When everybody stayed silent another moment, she began to get nervous and felt an embarrassing heat rise in her cheeks. Maybe she really shouldn't have been so bossy. She shrugged it off and settled into a seat. She didn't have to wait much longer before someone else cleared their throat and began talking. She smiled. At least they didn't ignore her.


I like 'Satri. Sorry if she is a bit eccentric, but hey aren't all my OCs?


Charles(idk if you want us to use his nickname???)
faceless other people in the squad that you could pretend are yours but really i have no idea which of you they are
