
Hi everyone ^^
So, I've become recently re-obsessed with the Sims2 games. AHHH I love therm XD
So far I have three houses full of Naruto Characters and 1 of Avatar. Next is FMA, Fruits Bakset, Ouran, etc.
I can't find any Kenshin that are compatible with my computer though ;.;
I've formed quite a few love problems in my house as well. So far, Hinata is dating Naruto, Who is in love with Shikamaru, who is dating Temari, who is friends with Gaara, who loves Hanae (my character, big mistake there...) who is dating Lee (?!) and also loves Sai, who also has a crush on Kiba, who hates Neji, who is dating Tenten, who hates Sakura, who loves Sasuke, who loves Naruto.
Isn't that lovely? It's extremely amusing XD I've got pictures and screenshote, etc that I might post a few (like Gaara singing in the shower..... XD)
I've started watching Sengoku Basara. It's so funny so far XD "YUKIMURA!" "MY LORDSHIP!"
OH! And now I have a Japanese penpal! Her name is Mito, and she is so adorable :)
Gotta go for now, of to the mall with my mom and Dad (rare occurance XD) ^^
Have a great rest of the week everyone! See you all next time!
BYE EVERYPEOPLE! Look out for the Hitokiri!
~Alex :)
