Japan, Dictators, and Smiling Monkeys.

Just wanna say, I'm in history class right now. MR D MR D! XD
we're talking about dictators...... but my page won't load >.<
I'm currently having a background war with the people from the other classes who use this computer. This is the background i just put MONKEEEEEEYS Cute right? XD
Anyway, I see everyone talking about japanese relief: GOOD PEOPLE!
It's terrible what happened. It was supposed to hit California and Hawaii, which are on the opppsite side of the country for me, but it's still... wow..
So what's everyone doing? Anyone donating? I wish I could... But no credit card... So I'll work on raising awareness.
WAIT IM IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICE CLUB AT SCHOOL! I'll ask to raise money next meeting.
Ugh, Assignment.... Bye everyone!
I hope you have a good day!
