Games Jukebox - King of Route 66

I'm a little late but I'll be up to date later on today.
Also it's rare for me to look at any PlayStation games.

King of Route 66 is the sequel to 18-Wheeler American Pro Trucker; released in 2002 by Am2, the game is built as a heavier to control Crazy Taxi where you have to make successful deliveries against a rogue trucker group; there is even a new mode where you help out the state Queens on the Route 66.

This was meant to be a Dreamcast game originally

Really silly and clearly doesn't take itself too seriously.
Surprisingly high replay value despite being a short game.
Queen mode with Highway Cat is just so wholesome.

Not aged well.
Most of the replay value comes down to the amount of times you'll be restarting as the game is quite hard.
Oh god, the voice acting is hilariously atrocious.

I can really appreciate the simpler titles especially when it's clear a lot of fun went into it and King of Route 66 is one of those.
