Video Game Pub Quiz: Round 4 - Sega Games

Now for a Sega round.

1. In Skies of Arcadia, how many different colours make up the Moonstones?
7, among the regular six colours there is also a Black Moonstone

2. Guess the game from the Screenshot?

Bonanza Bros

3. Who voices Space Channel 5's Ulala?
Apollo Smile

4. What is the opening line of Altered Beast?
Rise From Your Grave

5. Name any two music track names from the original Outrun Soundtrack?
Magical Sound Shower, Passing Breeze, Splash Wave, Last Wave

6. Sonic R is the only new Sonic title created on the Sega Saturn, True or False?
True, Sonic 3D was released on Megadrive as well as Saturn, Sonic Jam is a compilation of the original games plus a 3D tech demo

7. Sega's version of Mortal Kombat helped pioneer what in Video games?
Age Classification for Video Games

8. What is the battery life of a Game Gear?
I'll accept 3-5 hours

9. Streets of Rage 4 is being released this year 2020, how long has it been since the last release?
26 Years

10. Who wields Golden Axe?
Death Adder, it's a common misconception that Gilius due to the colour of his axe wields it but this is not proven in canon

Tie Breaker: What year was Sega Founded?
