Prologue...part 2!

Prologue...part 2!

“Your kind are nothing more than filthy, murdering bloodsuckers!” her voice was so venomous, so unlike my mothers. The man’s voice joined hers, lower and threatening now.
“Don’t test my patience, Elizabeth. You married one of my men. Now tell me where the necklace is.”
Necklace? My hands felt heavy with the weight of it. I wanted to run out of my hiding place and shove it into the man’s hands, yet I still couldn’t move. Why. Why. Why?
“You will never find it,” my mother spat, “I’ve hidden it far from you. Face it Dimitri, you’ve lost.”
Dimitri. The man’s name. Dimitri. I replayed the name in my head.
There was a sharp cry of metal, a scream and a thump as something hit the floor. My mouth opened and I realised that I was no longer frozen, yet now I wished I was. The man’s, Dimitri’s, voice cut through the silence that had followed the thump.
“Such a pity to waste someone so beautiful,” There was a slight pause, “Aaron, burn the place down. If the necklace is here, will be able to find it after everything is destroyed.”
The sounds of their footsteps faded and within seconds were gone. Now able to move, I cautiously pushed the wardrobe door open.
As I looked at the room the first thing I saw was blood. Then my mind registered everything else. Her hair lay tangled around her head. Her body was twisted at odd angles on the floor. Her white clothes were now flecked with red spots.
Gone. It was as clear as daylight. My mother was gone. She would never read stories to me again. Never tuck me in at night. Her lifeless eyes stared at nothing.
A piercing noise rented the air. Instinctively I went to cover my ears, then I realised that it was a scream. My scream. I quickly shut my mouth. Jumping up, I turned to the door; I couldn’t stay here in this room full of blood. I ran out into the hallway and stumbled. Smoke from the front of the house effulged me. They had started a fire.
Turning back down the hall, I ran to the back door and threw it open, gasping in the fresh air. Blinking in the dark, I tried to stop the tears that threatened to overpower me. I was meant to do something. Go somewhere.
“Oi! Who are you?” a male’s voice spoke from behind me, causing me to realise that the trouble wasn’t over. Leave me alone, I wanted to scream, yet I still couldn’t get my mouth to form words.

Instead I turned around, clutching the necklace like a lifeline. The man was tall, his long brown hair making him look unkempt. His eyes roved over me, coming to rest at the necklace in my hands.
You must protect it at all costs.
My mother’s words mocked me. I was eight years old, how was I meant to escape this tall buffoon? RUN. I followed my instinct. Turning back around, I ran towards the massive forest that backed onto our yard.
Just as I reached the edge, a hand grasped my ankle and sent me sprawling. I’d barley gone five feet. The necklace flew from my grip, landing at the edge of the tree.
You must protect it at all costs.
“Give up.” the man snarled, his face getting closer to mine. Too close. Flipping, I raised my legs and kicked him in the chest, throwing as much power as I could into it. It wasn’t much, yet it distracted him. I jumped up again and grabbed the necklace, scrambling for the woods.
I heard him follow with that super speed of his and turned. Catching him off guard, I kicked him in between his legs. His scream rented the air but I was already running. Kicking a guy in their privates hurt, even if they were mean.
Don’t look back. Keep running. Don’t look back.
I didn’t, I ran.

