
Ok, so last night, i had a really wierd dream.

I was just at school, you know,a totally normal day. Except for the fact that I was riding a unicycle.

A unicycle. Through the halls. And everyone acted like it was perfectly normal for me to be riding one. Like, "Ho hum, oh, look, there's Kaly on her unicycle. I wonder what they're serving for lunch today?"

So anyways, everything was fine until I got to this little flight of stairs(it has like, what, 4 steps?) that leads to most of my classes. I attempted a jump on my unicycle down the stairs, but...

I failed. so i went flying, and landed in a pathetic heap on the floor. And all these people crowded around me, asking if I was okay and stuff, and then my social studies teacher came over and scolded me. She said, "Kaly! You shouldn't be so reckless on your unicycle! it's dangerous!" And then i said, "Yes, okay, i won't do it again."

So after that (this is turning into a long dream) my unicycle got taken away, and my friend L and i went to Science. Except that, for some reason, Science was in the Math room today. And we had the Science lab tables in there.

And my Science and Language Arts teachers were both teaching the same class together!!!!

(A bit of information about these teachers. Everyone hates them. They're a married couple, and the both teach at the same school, on the same team. the guy teaches Science, and his wife teaches Language Arts. They're both old and cranky and miserable, especially her.)

So anyways, in my dream, my science teacher was SUPER nice!!!!!! Even though usually he's mean and creepy! But his wife was still horrible. And no one would stand up to her, not even her husband.

So then I guess we were supposed to have snacks for some reason, so one kid was like, "Whats for snack?" And she said, "Nutritional Coffee nuts!" They were GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were super salty and disgusting. So while we were all gagging on our coffee nuts, I looked up to see none other than Hikaru from OHSHC standing in front of me!! But then, unfortuantly, i woke up

Yep! That was my incredibly strange dream. Thank you all for reading this immensely stupid posts And now i have to go, my sister's calling me >.< bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
